12 Gifts of Mindful Eating: Gift 3 – Attention

Attention is Day 3 of the 12 Gifts of Mindful Eating, mini-mindful eating activities to help you focus on the gift of each day. Each one is intentionally short, simple, and powerful. After all, big gifts often come in small packages!

The Gift of Attention

Love what you eat! Give food and eating the attention they deserve for optimal enjoyment.

Today, select one meal or snack to eat without distractions – no TV, phone, computer, reading, or driving. If that is too difficult at first, start by eating your first few bites mindfully without distraction.

Do your best to focus fully on the food and your body as you eat. (Here’s a short article to help: Eating Mindfully on Thanksgiving.)

If you find yourself becoming bored and tempted to multitask, remember that boredom is often a signal you’ve had enough. Is it time to quit eating and find something else to do?

What did you notice?

  • Was it challenging? Easy? Fun? Boring?
  • What did you notice about the food as you ate?
  • Were you more aware of hunger and satiety as you were ate?

Next Gift: #4 – The Gift of Aroma

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