12 Gifts of Mindful Eating: Gift 6 – Sight

Sight is Gift #6 of the 12 Gifts of Mindful Eating. For 12 days, we are sharing a mini-mindful eating exercise to help you focus on the gift of each day. Each one is intentionally short, simple, and powerful.

The Gift of Sight

Since we all have cameras in our pockets these days, taking pictures of our food has become a national past-time! I took this photo at an outdoor market during our trip to Italy. The colors and textures of this fresh fruit were a literal feast for the eyes!

But why wait until vacation to celebrate the gift of sight for making eating a multisensory experience!

A feast for the eyes!

Appreciate the beauty of food from nature.

  • Select a fresh vegetable, piece of fruit, or other food from nature.
  • Look at it closely.
  • Notice the colors, shapes, textures, symmetry, patterns, and other details.
  • Savor this feast for your eyes!

Combine the gift of sight with the gifts of aroma and taste for a true multisensory experience!

Day #7: The Gift of Connection

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