12 Gifts of Mindful Eating: Gift 8 – Abundance

Abundance is Gift #8 of the 12 Gifts of Mindful Eating. For 12 days, we are sharing a mini-mindful eating exercise to help you focus on the gift of each day. Each one is intentionally short, simple, and powerful.

The Gift of Abundance

Abundance means you have more than enough. When you live in a land of abundance with food, it’s easy to forget the sad fact that many people around the world, even around the corner, may not have enough food to eat.

Today, pause to reflect on how lucky you are to have enough food. This Food Gratitude Meditation will help.

And if you are able and inspired to do so, consider how you can share your abundance with others! Perhaps you could invite someone for a meal, donate food or time to a food bank, or contribute to a hunger relief organization.

(If you struggle with scarcity beliefs due to messages from past dieting or parents like there are starving children in… that drives you to over-consume even when food is plentiful, read more about “the abundance paradox.”)

Day #9: The Gift of Freedom

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