12 Gifts of Mindful Eating: Gift 9 – Freedom

Freedom is Gift #9 of the 12 Gifts of Mindful Eating. For 12 days, we are sharing a mini-mindful eating exercise to help you focus on the gift of each day. Each one is intentionally short, simple, and powerful.

The Gift of Freedom

For me, the greatest gift of mindful eating has been freedom from rules and restriction.

As I became reconnected with my body wisdom and more aware of the thoughts and emotions that were driving my unwanted behaviors, I rediscovered how to eat what I love without guilt or bingeing.

This journey required many new skills and tools—that’s what I share in Eat What You Love, Love What You Eat, but today, give yourself the freedom to eat a favorite food without any guilt or need to pay penance.

Use your other mindful eating gifts of awareness, intention, attention, aroma, taste, sight, connection, and abundance for optimal enjoyment of your eating experience.

Gift #10: The Gift of Curiosity

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