7 Ways to Improve the Health of Your Household

In order to take good care of your family, you probably try to eat healthy and visit the doctor regularly. Unfortunately, hidden dangers at home can pose a serious hazard to your family. The following tips will help you track down the dangers that may be lurking in your home.

Keep it Old School

As a parent, you probably look for ways to protect your family and keep them healthy. Although you may try to rid your home of dust and debris through weekly cleanings, the commercial products could be doing more harm than good. The cleaners can also be pricey and wreaking havoc with your budget. Hit up your pantry in search of some natural home cleaning alternatives. Vinegar is a cost-effective option that can clean your floors and glass without toxic chemicals. Baking soda is another great choice for naturally cleaning counters and absorbing odors. Lemon juice can polish metals, produce vibrant laundry and freshen kitchen or bathroom drains. Your retail market may also have some inexpensive finds that are both organic and natural for cleaning your home.

7 Ways to Improve the Health of Your Household
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Test Your Water

Drinking water is so much healthier than consuming soda’s and sugary juice drinks. But do you know if your water is safe to drink? Although the liquid that pours out of your faucet may appear clear, some water can contain harmful chemicals such as nitrate, lead and chlorine. A water testing kit can determine the safety of your water and level of hardness. A water softener and filtration system can make your water safe for your family to drink again. The water filters can also easily fit onto your showerhead, faucet or water dispenser in your refrigerator.

Cleanse the Air

Indoor air pollution can be drastically worse than the air you breathe outdoors. Home decorating and cleaning products can contribute to the chemical compounds found in your home. To avoid being exposed to the toxins, look for low-VOC materials when purchasing paints and other household materials. You should also be alert to where your furnishings and flooring are manufactured and what they’re made out of. On warm days, open your windows to cleanse the air and ventilate your home. You can also purchase air filters and other air-clearing devices.

Moisture Control

Excessive humidity, dampness and water build-up caused by flooding can contribute to mold growth, mildew, dust mites and rodents. To rid your home of outside pests, and the dangers of mold, regulate your humidity to proper levels that run between 40 and 60 percent. If you’re showering or cooking, open a window or turn on the exhaust fans. Your clothes dryer should also be properly vented to the outdoors. Other areas necessary to control moisture include repairing roof leaks, sealing the basement foundation and fixing windows and doors to prevent water from seeping inside.

Fire Prevention

No matter if your home is old or new, your dwelling should have working smoke and carbon monoxide detectors. The devices are designed to go off the instant it detects a fire or gaseous odor in your home. To ensure that they work properly, they should be tested monthly and batteries changed during the spring and fall seasons.

Go Natural

Your backyard is a safe place where your family goes to unwind and relax. But if you’re treating your outdoor space with toxins, herbicides and weed repellent, your home environment could be making them sick. The next time you want to get rid of dandelions or manage pests, look for natural options. Dish soap, vinegar and lemon juice are excellent natural options for killing weeds. There are also natural plants such as citronella and marigolds that act as a deterrent mosquitoes and other vermin from your yard.

Switch to Organic

In this age of hormone and chemical enhancement, the benefits of eating a healthy and organic diet are numerous. With the heightened concern for safety, and the environment, organic products are now more affordable than they were in the past. From organic produce and staples to cleaning products and clothing, the possibilities are endless.

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