Bringing Partner Into Anorexia Treatment May Aid Recovery

THURSDAY, April 28 — Margie Hodgin of Turnersville, N.C., was in her early forties when she developed anorexia nervosa, and she knows how isolating the condition can be.
"In the middle of a disorder like that, you don't know how to explain your feelings to those around you," she said.
Luckily, Hodgin sought the care of a therapist who suggested a new and often effective treatment: an intensive counseling program that also involved Hodgin's husband.
She said the program, called Uniting Couples (in the treatment of) Anorexia Nervosa (UCAN), was probably more effective — both for her own recovery and her marriage — than other outpatient programs she had gone to alone because she and her husband could get "down and dirty" about what was going on.
(c) Anorexia News – – Read entire story here.