Cambodian Pork Belly and Quail Egg Stew: Another Low Carb, High Protein Recipe!

Look what I made for lunch today: the Cambodian Pork Belly and Quail Egg Stew I linked to earlier! I had the quail eggs on hand and a pork belly in the freezer so I had to make this.

Cambodian pork belly and quail egg stew, KAW SAT TROUK

Oh it is just divine! This would be a great dish to make if you’re wanting lots of protein and very little carbs. The video I linked to doesn’t actually have a recipe listed or any amounts, so I just followed along and estimated amounts so it looked like what she did in the video. Here’s a written summary:

Cube the raw pork belly. I used enough to layer twice in a large frying pan.
Brown the cubes in a nonstick pan, stirring and turning as needed. Then remove the cubes to a pot, leaving the grease behind (discard).
Add the following to the pork:
3 minced garlic cloves
a few shakes of low sodium soy sauce (or coconut aminos if you avoid soy)… about 2-3 tablespoons
about a heaping tablespoon of chicken bouillon powder

The recipe calls for a few shakes of fish sauce, but I am allergic to shellfish so I used just a few drops (3-4) of Worcestershire sauce
It also calls for some sugar, but I put in less than it looked like she used… about 2 teaspoons. I think you could omit this without a problem.

Toss that all around and leave it for a few minutes. Then put the pot over high heat and add water halfway up the level of the meat. Bring to a rolling boil, stir a few times, put on the lid and lower the heat to keep it at a low boil for about 45 minutes. Skim off the fat as you notice it and add water a little at a time if it’s getting low.

Meanwhile, boil the quail eggs. I used 9 eggs. I put them in a pot of cold water, brought to a boil, removed from heat and let stand for 5 minutes. Then I ran them under cold water and peeled them.

Lower the heat to a simmer and add 1/4 to 1/2 tsp black pepper (or more, to taste) and the quail eggs. Stir very gently to coat the eggs in sauce but don’t break them up. Cover and cook another 5-7 minutes, gently stirring on occasion. I had to add a little more water because you want there to be enough sauce/gravy in the end.

Remove from heat and taste. Add anything you think it needs (more soy sauce, pepper, water, or chicken bouillon). Serve over steamed rice or in my case, steamed riced cauliflower.

This was SO delicious. It was also a lot less fatty than I had anticipated, partly because this was a pasture raised pork belly (rather than corn fed) and partly because I trimmed off a lot of the excess fat when I was dicing it up. I think it would be great with some lightly steamed broccoli florets added, and maybe some sliced onions too. Another delicious, healthy meal in the books!

(c) Escape from Obesity – Read entire story here.