
I have gotten SO hungry this week and my eating has been not so good. I just suddenly started *wanting* things, maybe even craving them?? This is different; I have not had much in the way of cravings for a long time. But this week, one day I saw someone eating ice cream and I was like, “I have GOT to have some ice cream!” Since I have been on the “say yes to everything in moderation” train for awhile (and losing weight) I went and got some ice cream. Mistake because the pint was gone in 2 days. Since then I have had some cravings for things like those yogurt cups with stir-ins, sugar cereals, and fried foods (which I did not give in to, but I am *thisclose* to going to the store for potato chips. Why??) This is the first big struggle I have had in awhile and it sucks, because before, if I wanted a cookie I just had one and was okay and went on. For some reason this week I am a lot more food-centered and wanting random things like chocolate or salami sandwiches, but when I eat them it doesn’t satisfy. It doesn’t end. I then want some other things. I need to put the brakes on this.
(c) Escape from Obesity – Read entire story here.