Focusing on TODAY

Setting my new goals for the month of April has really helped me focus on what I can do each day to reach those goals. Sure, it’s only been two days since I set the goals, but I feel so confident and energized about life, not overwhelmed and sad like I felt many times over the past few years. Today I feel that all of my goals are within reach… and it is not at all overwhelming (to think of losing 50-60 pounds) because my focus is narrowed: goals for one month, steps for one day. It is so important to take concrete steps every day toward our goals.

What I have done today to meet my goals:
Got on the bike first thing this morning. Made it for 13 minutes.
Took one of the dogs out for a neighborhood walk, helping ensure I meet my Steps goal.
Put some Sun Tea out on the deck in a gallon jar to brew in the sun (pomegranate raspberry green tea, no sweetener added). Now it’s chilling in the fridge and I filled the ice trays so there will be plenty for iced tea.
Made a batch of my favorite low carb Cauliflower “Potato” Salad, with an extra egg added (for protein).
Ate some healthy foods: roasted turkey breast (from the deli, but it is some good stuff! It’s the real thing, minimally processed), a yogurt/berry smoothie, and a protein bar.
I’m wearing my FitBit and keeping an eye on my steps, and will make sure I pass my 7500 steps/day goal.
Got out my old strength training routine and books and made a plan to start soon. Got my weights out and organized.

It’s nice to feel so healthy and positive! Life is good.
(c) Escape from Obesity – Read entire story here.