
Wow, it’s been a week since I last posted. I feel like I’ve lost a month of my life with this sickness: lots of sleeping, laying around coughing, and being groggy from medicine. This morning I finally woke up in a state I can definitely call improved. It’s a good thing because this has gone on long enough. Still coughing and using the inhaler, but I’m having longer stretches without coughing so hard I lose my breath, choke or vomit. That’s good right? I’m still very tired… going to bed at 8, which was unheard of before this illness.

Anyway, after my last post I did manage to escape the Burger King draw and lay off the Starbucks and other convenience foods. I have no appetite for vegetables but am getting them in in the form of canned soups and some (not-low-fat) broccoli salad a friend made. I also ate a few meals of fried chicken someone brought me… not the best protein source, but okay with the skin pulled off. I still eat plenty of fruit, tea, coffee with cream, and when I felt up to it I’d cook some bacon and eggs. I finally went to the store last night and got vegetables, avocados, and healthier proteins. I’m putting a corned beef in the crock pot for tonight with some onions, celery, carrots, baby new potatoes, and cabbage. Looking forward to a “real” meal! As long as I keep getting better now, I’ll be cooking (and freezing some of the meals for future emergencies!)

I am going to try and take a mile walk today as the weather is decent. I’ve missed being outside. I’m not up to yard work yet but I hope to get caught up on that soon as my body heals and gets healthier and stronger again. I cannot wait to be back to 100{7920e18cf5186565893a18d1f69fa52bf2806dc683a7bfcea51d671d2f7d8125}!
(c) Escape from Obesity – Read entire story here.