Brief Update

I kept getting worse, then a little better, then worse again. The doctor said I had a virus that turned into a sinus infection and pneumonia. My breathing got pretty bad so now I’m on an inhaler, along with antibiotics and cough medicine with codeine but I am still feeling pretty rough.

My eating has devolved into whatever I can lay hands on that is easiest. I don’t have the energy to go shopping or do much cooking (just throwing stuff from the freezer into the crock pot.) One night we literally had frozen meatballs and a jar of pasta sauce cooked in the crock pot, with melted cheese on top. The kids have been eating sandwiches and I ordered (and ate) pizza one night. I eat a lot of Clementines, canned peaches, pears, boiled eggs, and toast. Lots of honey lemon tea and water to drink. The fridge is looking pretty bare though. I’ll have to shop soon.

I’m not getting out much and have moved very little the last 3 days. Being sick really put a cramp in my plan to increase exercise. But my main goal right now is to get better and stay out of the hospital! I know 3 other people in my circle who’ve had pneumonia recently; one just got out of the hospital after 5 days there. I definitely want to avoid that.

That’s all the update for now. Hopefully I will start feeling better and breathing easier soon.
(c) Escape from Obesity – Read entire story here.