How to Heal Fear and Anxiety with Bach Flower Remedies

How to Heal Fear and Anxiety with Bach Flower Remedies ?:

This is my FAVORITE way to find which Bach Flower Remedy is right for you! Some of the lists and charts are over complicated an it is frustration finding what you need.

In this listing Bach Remedies are broken into 7 emotional categories. Once you resonate with a category you can drill down into a more specific feeling and find the remedy that suits you at the moment.

To make your personal combination:

  • Place 2 drops of each of your current remedies in a 20 ml blue or amber dropper bottle.
  • Fill the bottle with still mineral water.
  • Label your bottle :)
  • Take 4 drops up to 4 times per day.
  • Keep combinations for up to 2 weeks.

I highly suggest using 3 and 4 at the most at one time. When you are complete with this combination you can revisit the questions and make a new personal combination.

If you stop remembering to take your personal combination you may be complete and be done for the time being.

For Those Who Have Fear.

Rock Rose: Helps when you experience fears, such as terror or fright that makes you feel frozen and unable to move or think clear.

Mimulus: Helps when you feel fear, the type of fear that you can put a name on such as fear of dogs, spiders, being alone, losing a job, illness etc. Also, fear of speaking freely of it to others or shyness.

Cherry Plum: For those who fear losing control of their thoughts and actions and doing things they know are bad for them or which they consider wrong. Teaches trust in one’s spontaneous wisdom and the courage to follow one’s path.

Aspen: Helps when you feel fearful without knowing why. The fear is vague and unexplainable and may haunt you day or night.

Red Chestnut: Helps when you find it difficult not to be anxious for other people, you are afraid that some unfortunate things may happen to your loved ones.

For Those Who Suffer Uncertainty

Cerato: Helps trust your own judgment in decision-making.

Scleranthus: Helps when you have a hard time choosing between two things, such as Mexican or Chinese food, you simply can not decide which restaurant to go to.

Gentian: Helps when you get discouraged and depressed when things go wrong or when you are faced with even small delays or difficulty.

Gorse: Helps when you feel great hopelessness, and have given up belief that more can be done.

Hornbeam: Helps when you feel that you do not  have sufficient amount of strength mentally or physically to carry the burden that life has placed on you.

Wild Oat: Helps when you are at a crossroad in life and are uncertain as to which direction to choose.

For those with insufficient interest in present circumstances.

Clematis: For those who find their lives unhappy and withdraw into fantasy worlds. They are ungrounded and indifferent to the details of everyday life. Teaches one to establish a bridge between the physical world and the world of ideas and may foster great creativity. Is also used to bring clarity and alertness to the present moment.

Honeysuckle: Helps you to let go of past experiences or events. Your thoughts are in the past rather in the present.

Wild Rose: Helps you to take responsibility for your own life and take a lively interest in life, work and the world in general.

Olive: Helps you regain energy, vitality and interest in life.

White Chestnut: Helps when your mind is cluttered with thoughts usually arguments, ideas, thoughts which you do not wish to have in your mind.

Mustard: Helps when you feel suddenly depressed without any reason. It feels like a cold dark cloud that destroys normal happiness and cheerfulness.

Chestnut Bud: Helps when you from making the same mistake over and over again. You do not take full advantage of observation and experiences and therefore it takes longer for you to learn a lesson.

For those with loneliness.

Water Violet: Helps you get a warmer relationship with other people. You love being alone, but often find yourself lonely.

Impatiens: For those who act and think quickly, and have no patience for what they see as the slowness of others. They often prefer to work alone. Teaches empathy and understanding of and patience with others. It is found to be fast-acting in alleviating an impatient attitude and lowering stress.

Heather: Helps when you are unhappy being alone for any length of time, you are always seeking the companionship and find it necessary to discuss your affairs with others, no matter who it may be.

For those with over-sensitivity to influences and ideas.

Agrimony: Helps you to communicate your real feelings and worries. You are the cheerful, humorous type that gets distressed by argument or quarrel. You often hide your feelings behind humor and you use alcohol or drugs in excess to stimulate yourself.

Centaury: Helps when you find it hard to say no, and therefore easily get imposed on. You often find yourself serving others, neglecting your own particulate mission in life.

Walnut: Helps you break free from old ties and at times of major life changes. It helps you move forward and make necessary changes in order to be happy. Walnut gives consistency and protection from outside influences.

Holly: Helps when you suffer from angry thoughts such as jealousy, envy, revenge and/or suspicion.

For those with despondency or despair.

Larch: Helps you to regain self-esteem and confidence in yourself.

Pine: Helps when you feel guilt and self-reproach, often for other people’s mistakes or just anything that goes wrong. You are never content with your effort and results.

Elm: Helps when your responsibilities overwhelm you. You feel depressed and exhausted and may lose self-esteem.

Sweet Chestnut: Helps you at moments when the anguish is too great and seem to be unbearable. Your mind or body feels as if it has tolerated the uttermost limit of its endurance. It feels as there is nothing but destruction and annihilation left to face.

Star of Bethlehem: Helps when you experience trauma, serious news, loss of someone dear, the fright following an accident etc. The distress and unhappiness feels unbearable.

Willow: Helps when you have suffered adversity or misfortune and find it difficult to accept. You feel sorry for yourself and are grumble and sulky.

Oak: Helps when your inner strength wanes, usually because you are an over-achiever and will overwork and ignore your tiredness.

Crab Apple: Helps when you feel that there is something not quite clean about yourself. You may need to wash hands often, find things dirty without any reason, you may find yourself ugly although others find you very attractive. This is the cleansing Essence.

For those who over-care for welfare of others.

Chicory: Helps you to be less critical, opinionated and argumentative. You always find something about others that you believe should be put right.

Vervain: For strong-willed people who hold strong views. They put unnecessary effort into everything they undertake, your mind race ahead of events, you may suffer from lack of sleep due to an overactive mind.

Vine: Helps you respect other people’s views and ideas, you tend to try to persuade other people to do things your way.

Beech: Helps you be less critical toward other people and accept them as they are.

Rock Water: Helps when you expect too much of yourself.


(c) Nourishing – Read entire story here.