Have you “fallen off the wagon” with food?

The only time a person EVER “falls off a wagon”

is when there’s a wagon to fall off of; 

a set of rules, ideals, or beliefs around food that we let determine how we feel about ourselves.

“I was sooo good with food yesterday, and today, I SUCK.”

Sound familiar?

and I’m guessing when you go into the place of “I suck,”

when you “fall off the wagon,”

you fall hard…like knee-deep-in-brownie-batter-hard. 

Not fun, and so avoidable. 

If you want to make peace with food, and stop shame-eating cookies in the middle of the night,

Ask yourself,

what “wagons” am I trying not to fall off of?

Where am I judging my performance with food?

Where did I draw an imaginary line of “not okay” around food?

And slowly start to peel off those layers within yourself. 

Because as long as there’s a wagon to fall off of—you WILL fall off of it eventually.

“Falling off” is not your problem. Your wagon is your problem. 

Like this post? Check out my free video training series and end the diet-binge cycle once and for all. 

The post Have you “fallen off the wagon” with food? appeared first on Isabel Foxen Duke.

SOURCE: Isabel Foxen Duke – Read entire story here.