Summer Fun Is Self-Care – Feed Your Soul Therapy


I am embracing the idea that summer fun IS self-care.

This week is the week of the Summer Solstice (longest day of the year) and I performed my annual ritual of filling out my summer bucket list. I started this years ago and have talked about it previously on my podcast Feed Your Soul with Kim and in my blog.

It all started when my daughter was in preschool. She can home with a colorful paper suggesting 100 items for a “Summer Bucket List.” The list stated it had 100 fun things to do before summer kicked the bucket.

This list had items that were typically associated with summer like:

  1. Have a picnic.
  2. Walk on the beach.
  3. Make breakfast for dinner.

Generally, we think of a bucket list as morbid and a reference to what you want to do before you die (kick the bucket). I was secretly excited to be given the opportunity to have a plan for enjoying the summer.

As I looked at the list, I decided to make my own Summer Bucket List for me and my family. We discussed the options for the summer and what each of us wants to do and what we would like to do as a family.

I take it a step further and put it on the calendar. The calendar is the place to put the information, because what is in the calendar gets done.

This year is a little different for me because I am embracing more of my Summer Bucket List as MY opportunity for fun.

A Summer Bucket List is not:

  • A list of have to’s.
  • A list of expectations.
  • A way to micromanage time and get on a schedule.
  • Having to spend a lot of money.

A Summer Bucket List is:

  • A place to embrace intentional fun.
  • A place to own more self-care.
  • A time to put yourself on the schedule.

What do you REALLY want to do this summer for fun?

I find I have been spending more time thinking about what my family will do over the summer and their enjoyment, rather than what will I do. We women often place others needs over our own and tend to go with the flow.

I am consciously stepping into my own needs and self-care this summer.

Planning summer fun is self-care! It is a way to determine your own needs.

Sometimes it is hard to determine what our own needs are.

Put yourself on the list this summer.

Let’s get you some strategies to start your Summer Bucket List this year. I encourage you to spend 15-30 minutes contemplating the below questions.

First, what do you like to do AND you have not done in a while?

Second, what do others do that you feel jealous of?

Third, what have never done, but really want to do.

Fourth, what have you been afraid to do but really want to do?

Fifth, what would give you pleasure?

You can get your copy of the Summer Bucket List here or you can just write out what you want to do on a piece of paper.

Here is the way to create your own Summer Bucket List:

  • After you have done some contemplation (see above), write down all your ideas of what YOU plan to do over the summer.
  • Put those ideas on the calendar.
  • Celebrate and cross them off when you accomplished them.
  • Remember to keep extra spaces on your list to add through the summer.

Enjoying the summer season is just good for you and an excellent form of self-care.

Join me this summer and create your own Summer Bucket List. Get access here.

Join me in the Feed Your Soul Community Facebook Group where we will support each other to make AND use our Summer Bucket List. Being in community can be the best way to get inspiration and accountability to get your self-care moving forward.

Kim McLaughlin, MA is a Psychotherapist, Speaker, Author, and Coach who specializes in working with people who suffer from binge eating and emotional eating. She is a Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor. She is the author of the book Feed Your Soul Nourish Your Life! A Six Step System to Peace with Food and the Amazon #1 Best Selling book Discovery Your Inspiration.

Listen to Kim on her podcast Feed Your Soul with Kim on your favorite podcast platform.  

Wondering if you are an emotional eater? Sign up for the free Am I an Emotional Eater Quiz.

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