7 Reasons You Might Have Developed your Eating Disorder…

Release Your Fears…

There are variety of experiences and genetics that might be contributing to your active eating disorder.

Here are a few. See if you relate to any

  1. Childhood Trauma
  2. Chaotic Home Life
  3. Alcoholic Parent
  4. Parent Modeling an Eating Disorder
  5. Controlling Parent
  6. Genetics, anxiety & or depression
  7. Loss

I’m sure you have your own contributing factors. The important and hopeful part is that you can relearn the thoughts that brought you to your eating disorder. You can learn to cope with uncomfortable feelings and you can choose to live a better life that you deserve. Working with a therapist is a smart way to figure out your eating disorder and what you can do about it. Until then, find yourself a good self-help book at www.gurze.com

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