Can You Be A Successful and Effective Life Coach If You Don’t Have Your Life Together?

One of the most common misconceptions we hear from people about life coaching is that you must have your life entirely ‘together’, (aka borderline or actually perfect) to be a good coach.

Whether you’re thinking about stepping into life coaching as a career, a trainee life coach, newly graduated or even well established, this is a pervasive narrative we regularly hear whereby life coaches should be perfect or near to it, including having perfect lives, never struggling with things like mental health difficulties or relationships and that their lives and businesses should be on a straightforward trajectory upwards, never experiencing anything challenging or difficult.

And so when we were asked this question for an episode of Inspired Coach Podcast by Beautiful You Coach Tanya Jones recently, we knew we had to give you a sneak peek and share the answer before the episode airs.

Watch the vlog below where CEO and Founder of the Beautiful You Life Coaching Academy, Julie Parker, answers the question: Can You Be A Successful and Effective Life Coach If You Don’t Have Your Life Together?


If the number one thing that has been holding you back from making the leap or the decision to step to becoming a life coach is because your life is not perfect or it sometimes feels off track, we hope this vlog has been helpful for you today. Needing to be ‘perfect’ or have a ‘perfect’ life to be a great life coach is one of the biggest myths we hear about life coaching. In fact, we hear it so often, we wrote a blog post about it and six other life coaching myths we need to talk about.

Having trained over 2,500 life coaches, we know that coaches who embrace their imperfections and lean into their vulnerability can become truly embodied, whole, powerful space holders for themselves which their clients get to benefit from so deeply as well.


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