100 Pounds Gone Again

Well how about that? I finally hit 178 pounds yesterday morning, which is 100 pounds gone *again*! It is no easy feat to lose 100 pounds. And it’s even harder, in my experience, to lose it a second time. But finally, here I am! And when I went to look back at my original 100 Pounds Gone post, I noticed that the date was exactly eight years ago today! Wow… eight years of struggle, regain, efforts, and finally success again. Now that’s a journey! I am very proud to have hit this milestone and hope to never have to deal with a regain of that magnitude again.

I have not been feeling well, so my photos this time don’t do justice to how much I have changed. They’re not as numerous or as good as the ones last time in the link above, but when I feel better I will try and have one of my kids take some photos outdoors where the light is better. For now, here I am today at 178 pounds.

It feels so good to be back in this place! In 2010, the lowest weight I reached was 175 pounds, and I can’t wait to see that number again… and maybe even lower. A few interesting facts:
In 2010, it took me 77 days to lose the ten pounds from 188 to 178.
This year, it took me 165 days… more than twice as long. This was intentional because this time around, I wanted to honor my feelings about the weight loss as I explained in my last progress pictures post at 90 Pounds Gone Again
Size-wise, things are much different weighing 178 pounds at 49 years old than they were weighing 178 pounds at 41 years old. My body is a lot different; one good thing is slightly less loose skin this time. Clothing size is different, too. In my last 100 pounds gone pictures I was wearing size 10 jeans. Today, I actually found those jeans and couldn’t even get them on! I am wearing size 12’s now and they are comfortable. Tops are in a medium or large. According to my records, my waist is 1.75 inches larger than in 2010. My hips are also .75 inches larger, and thighs each a half in larger than at this weight 8 years ago. Hopefully as I start biking, all of my measurements will shrink.
In the last ten pounds, I have lost an inch off my bust, a half inch off each thigh, and .75 inches off each upper arm! All my other body measurements stayed pretty close to the same. 
I cannot imagine posting 110 Pounds Gone pictures, but wouldn’t that be cool?? We’ll see what happens! Thank you to those who’ve stayed along and supported me all these years, to the new folks just coming along to cheer me on, and all those in between!

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