3 Doable Ways to Replace Emotional Eating with Self-care

We know that when you’re not getting time for yourself, it’s easy to compensate with that extra snack, that pint of ice cream, or the takeout you swore you were cutting back on. If your self-care is the first thing to go when you get busy or overwhelmed – you’re in the right place. If taking better care of yourself or finetuning your self-care sounds like a good idea, but the thought of fitting it in has you rolling your eyes – this podcast episode is for you.

Self-care (or the lack of it) and overeating go hand in hand. Upgrading your self-care game doesn’t require a life overhaul or two weeks of vacation. In fact, these beliefs make it even harder to give yourself the attention you need and deserve. Tune in to this episode for three ways to readjust your thinking about self-care and your approach to fitting it in – consider this a cheat sheet for sneaking in great (and simple) me-time and self-care to replace emotional eating. Be sure to check out the show notes. I’ve included a ton of resources for you!

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