Another Week Gone By

Just a little update for my weekly weigh-in.

Last week, I set 182 as my new “high line” for my weight range. Here is my weight graph over the last 12 days:

The weight line starts at 182 and ends at 179, which is what I weighed this morning. That’s down a pound from last week. I feel good and none of this is a struggle. I even ate at Olive Garden this week and had the never-ending pasta bowl and bread sticks, and had the leftovers for dinner the same day. My portions were *not* small, either… I had a bowl of their fettuccine Alfredo topped with veggies, plus 2 bread sticks and salad for lunch, and a bowl of spaghetti with meat sauce and 2 bread sticks for dinner. Their chocolate chunk pumpkin cheesecake is pretty darned amazing, too! (I did split that with a friend). No, not low carb in any way, but I have started to really believe that a high carb/high volume day thrown in here and there is a good thing for me. There is no way *anyone* could feel deprived eating what I am eating. I also still have days of not eating anything (aside from coffee) until 11 or 12, and then stopping my eating at 7 or 8pm. And I usually do choose lower carb options and smaller portion sizes. It all balances out.

Today I had several cups of coffee with half and half, then at noon had a bowl of potato cheese soup and some raw veggie sticks with dip. In the afternoon I had more coffee, a Clementine, and two sugar free Red Vines. Dinner was taco meat with grated cheese and sour cream with some corn chips. And dessert was a piece of crustless pumpkin pie (not sugar free) with whipped cream.

I bought some new sweaters this week and was pretty surprised that a few of the size Large sweaters were way too big on me. Generally, I like sweaters to be pretty loose, but some of them were just baggy so I had to switch to a medium. That feels good! My size 14 jeans are insanely baggy (but comfortable, so I wear them around the house) and the 12’s are just right.

Looking forward to the holidays and not being afraid of special meals, dinners, and traditions. How about you?

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