BONUS! Join Me For a Free Freedom from Overeating Workshop

This bonus episode is designed to answer your questions about the free workshop series I’m offering. Please share this episode and this invitation with other smart, busy women who want to create peace with food and freedom from overeating.

If you’re a smart woman who secretly wonders whether it’s really possible to change your overeating or emotional eating habits, the Freedom from Overeating Workshop is for you.

There’s a good chance your approach to overeating is keeping you stuck. We can change this. 

Join me August 7-11 @ noon EST/9:00am Pacific for this free 5-day workshop and learn the 4-step approach no one ever taught you – so you can stop overeating and emotional eating – without guilt, without superhuman levels of willpower, and without feeling deprived.

You can stop fighting with food. You can end the cycle of running out of willpower, blaming yourself, and endlessly “starting over on Monday.” In the free Freedom from Overeating Workshop Series I’ll teach you an approach that allows you to lose your cravings and urges to overeat, so that you can eat in a way that you love, achieve your goals, and feel confident that you can maintain them.

Register for the Workshop Series or Join the Waitlist for the Next Workshop Series:

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