Secrets of the Blue Zones on Netflix — A Review

Hello friends!

I don’t know about you, but whenever I go on vacation with my family, it seems like every time, without fail, there’s always “the show.” A Netflix show that we all really bond over and become extremely interested in — dare I say, “hooked” on — that kind of defines that trip.

You know how it goes, after dinner, once the kids are down, everyone gathers around the communal living room tv to watch a show.

One year it was the show “Alone.”

Another year it was Yellowstone.

At Christmas, they’re always Hallmark movies, of course.

Well, this year, it was Live to 100 on Netflix which is based on the book, “The Secrets of the Blue Zones.”

My oldest brother, who is a doctor, has really gotten into longevity. And as a result, when we saw this program, it really piqued our interest!

It examined these “blue zones” around the world where there’s a large, concentrated population of people who live to be 100 or older! The blue zones he highlighted were Okinawa, Japan, Icaria, Greece; Sardinia, Italy; Loma Linda, California; and a small village in Costa Rica.

The documentary has five parts and is fascinating.

It focuses on what makes these blue zones hotspots for longevity. And it wasn’t just focused on diet, though the blue zones ate practically zero processed foods and highly whole food, plant based diets with fish and lean meats.

But also, that these centenarians all woke up with a sense of purpose for their lives. The were surrounded by friends and family. They laughed. They walked places or gardened or built gentle exercise into their day. And they all had some sort of faith life/higher belief system. It was really awesome to see.

And inspiring!

In fact, since we got back, my entire family has gone on this mediterranean, longevity diet! My parents even got a delivery service that will ship them organic, mediterranean meal kits!

We are all in!

The most precious commodity we have on this earth is time. Time spent with loved ones. Time enjoying the company of the people we hold dear, and living out the purpose God has for us in this life.

It is an incredible show. We watched the entire thing in only two nights. They’re very short episodes.

So, I highly suggest that you give it a watch too! And let me know what you think!

There is so much to be learned from centenarians — they’re doing something right!

Have a wonderful, healthy weekend my friends, and I’ll talk to you on Monday!

Here’s a sneak peak at one of my YouTube shorts!

To hear my story, click here.

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“This is what the Lord says to these bones: I will make breath enter you, and you will come to life.” Ez 37:5


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