Louise Quick on the Perfect Health Retreat – Perfect Health Diet

Louise Quick on the Perfect Health Retreat

NOTE: We have ONE spot remaining for the April 30-May 7, 2016, retreat. Due to obligations to our biotechnology startup, this will be the only 2016 retreat; the next retreat will be in May 2017. If you would like to come to the 2016 retreat, please act quickly.

Louise Quick of Westfield, New York was a guest at the May 2015 Perfect Health Retreat. Louise kindly recorded a video for us discussing her experience at the retreat.

Some highlights:

  • “I came because my daughter came last fall and when she talked about it it sounded like something I’d like to do.”
  • “I love the exercise and I love the cooking classes.”
  • “I think the food is very nice.”
  • “I don’t know if in five days I can say my health improved but it definitely did not go backwards.”
  • “I would encourage people [to come].”

Thank you Louise!

We are taking reservations now for the next Perfect Health Retreat to be held April 30 to May 7, 2016. Don’t miss this opportunity for a luxurious vacation combined with a week of learning that will pay a lifetime of dividends.

To learn about the retreat, visit the web pages under the Perfect Health Retreat tab, starting here. To reserve a room or for more information, please contact Paul Jaminet at paul@perfecthealthretreat.com or Whitney Ross Gray at whitney@perfecthealthretreat.com.


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