Breathe! How? 3 Reasons Why You Should Breathe…

You would think breathing is just something you naturally do and of course it is. But, do you know if you’re breathing correctly? Look at a puppy and watch his stomach rise and fall as he breathes. Catch him while he’s sleeping.

You want to breathe in through your nose hold it 3 seconds and blow it out. Repeat this many times throughout your day.

When you breathe correctly 3 things occur:

  1. You put your body into state of relaxation and healing. This is especially important when your dealing with pain.
  2. This state of relaxation works to calm your anxiety. Did you know that if you breathe incorrectly from your chest you can actually increase anxiety and bring on a panic attack?
  3. Breathing reminds you to come back to the present moment and get out of your head. It’s a useful tool for those learning to be mindful. Stop what you’re doing and focus on your breath.,

So, next time you take a breath make it a productive one!

*Notice if you’re holding your breath throughout the day. Sometimes we forget to breathe when we are tense.

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