The World Has Gone Occult: A Catholic Perspective

I’ve been really grossed out at our culture lately.

I don’t know about you, but it seems like all of a sudden, the entire world has gone mad.

Well, not mad exactly. But rather…it’s gone occult.

And no, this is not in preparation for Halloween that’s right around the corner.

No, I’m talking witchcraft, satanic imagery, demonic themes — it seems as though that specific degree of darkness has come out of the woodwork in society, making itself not only known, but unable to be missed.

Last night were the MTV Video Music Awards, where — though not to Sam Smith‘s level of demonic imagery in Unholy at the Grammys earlier this year —

Doja Cat premiered her new song, “Demons” with blood soaked demons dancing alongside her. She is the same singer who performed a different song with lyrics such as, “She the devil” and “I’m a demon lord.” Her costumes included pentagrams, and her flashing devil horns.

Taylor Swift, who won a bunch of awards last night at the VMAs, though she may have Christian parents fooled that she’s “safe” for your little kids to listen too, she too is brimming with demonic imagery, including the lyric, “Karma is a god.”

Yep — that’s Taylor for you in her music video for “Karma.” Imagine what filming this scene must have been like. Her, surrounded by her dancers dressed as possessed demons, holding that devil mask between takes. Like — this wasn’t some, “oops! How’d this end up in here?” It was a choice.

There’s “our girl”…

And might I remind you that there’s also this little diddy of conjuring spells that Taylor performs in her Eras Tour.

But it’s not just in pop music. When I was at the airport this summer, I stumbled upon these magazines in the little airport snack shops in Ohio:

That’s right, a magazine titled, Witches. Complete with a story on modern spellwork.

Celebrities are making no effort to conceal satanic practices, either. Might I remind you that when Machine Gun Kelly and Megan Fox got engaged, she ended their Instagram announcement by telling fans that they drank each others’ blood afterwards.

And when she was asked about that comment, she doubled down: “We do consume each other’s blood on occasion for ritual purposes only.”

Ritual purposes only.

I’m going to be honest: I fear for the salvation of mankind.

God was not unclear about his thoughts on this. He did not mince words. It was the very first commandment He gave us in Exodus 20:3: “Thou shall have no other gods before Me.”

Growing up, when I would reflect on this first commandment, I always would think of the other “idols” one thinks of that compete for God’s top place in our lives: busyness, pride, putting sports above church on Sundays…you know…comparatively innocent things to actual Satanism.

It is honestly really baffling to think that this is actually something people fall into.

I was listening to the Pints with Aquinas podcast, and just this week, Matt Fradd did an interview with a former satanist, who then became Catholic — and it was just eye opening to hear that there are actually people out there who follow the enemy. In fact, I had to stop listening to it, because I didn’t want to fill my head with darkness.

It’s no secret that I 100% contribute my anorexia to influences from the enemy. I’m not saying that I was possessed — but that terrible season of my life was a battle of spiritual warfare. And my eating disorder was 100% used by the enemy to manipulate me into self destruction. To the tune that, while at one of my first few days at inpatient, during one of my therapy sessions, I fully believe that a demon was released from my soul — I’ve written extensively about it here and here.

But all I can say is that, I fully believe that people can fall into darkness incredibly easily. Thankfully, I had the prayers of my family, and my own faith foundation I had grown up with to keep me from succumbing to it.

All that to say, this country needs prayers: the pop stars, the curious teens that think “experimenting” with the occult is rebellious and the answer to their issues, those trapped in a cycle of darkness, and those who may be flirting with danger. May they be reminded of who they truly are: Who they were created by, and Who truly loves them.

May they not be tricked by the temptations or empty promises of the enemy. And may they turn away from evil and cling to what is good.

I will leave you with two quotes: This first was the verse that was on my mirror growing up that, I believe we all need to live by, today especially:

“Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.” Philippians 4:8

And then my random personal favorite, which is true now, more than ever:

Deuteronomy 20:1 “When you go out to war against your enemies and see horses and chariots and an army greater than yours, do not be afraid of them, because the Lord your God, who brought you up out of Egypt, will be with you.”

Hear me when I say: we are at war. As Christians, we are at war for our souls and the souls of our children. But fear not: He is with us.

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