Change Your Beliefs & Rewire Your Brain – YOU ARE ENOUGH – Viki Thondley | Mind Body Food



Are you sick of sabotaging yourself? Struggling with Anxiety?
Always beating yourself up? Worried about what others will think?
Feeling frustrated, helpless and stuck?

Have you ever listened to the underlying thoughts creating these feelings? What about the core belief that creates all these critical thoughts?….

In this video I show you a powerful way to be your own best friend and rewrite THE biggest limiting belief that is stopping you from feeling confident, courageous and happy in your own mind and body – in just 5 minutes!

#confidence #mindset #beliefs #empowered


Transformational Coach, Counsellor and Therapist
Freedom and Recovery from your Emotional, Weight & Eating Issues

Viki Thondley is a Rapid Transformational Therapist, Holistic Counsellor & Meditation Therapist specialising in self-worth, stress, mind-body connection, subconscious reprogramming, depression/anxiety, body-image & eating disorder recovery. She is Founder/Director of the MindBodyFood Institute & author of the Holistic Life Coach & Mind-Body Practitioner certification course, plus several coaching & whole food books.


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