Anne Marie on the Perfect Health Retreat – Perfect Health Diet

Anne Marie on the Perfect Health Retreat

Anne Marie of southeastern Michigan was a guest at the May 2015 Perfect Health Retreat. Anne Marie kindly recorded a video for us discussing her experience at the retreat. Anne adds: “Deo Gratias”.

Some highlights:

  • “What I wanted to get from the retreat is the immersion that is part of a week-long experience.”
  • “I like hearing the ocean at night … I like being by the ocean.”
  • “Because it’s full immersion there’s a lot of information. I do like having access to Paul and Shou-Ching.”
  • “[The setting] is stunning.”
  • “The food’s stunning too. It’s really good. It’s delicious.”
  • “[The staff is] very talented and accessible.”
  • “I’m definitely picking up a lot of useful skills.”
  • “A lot of really, really good information and techniques that I haven’t heard before.”
  • “[Paul] has this little sense of humor that you have to tune into.”
  • “[Paul] makes [the science] accessible to me.”
  • “[I recommend the retreat to] anyone that’s looking for a holistic approach to health…. It’s a very comprehensive and very holistic approach to our health from a scientific perspective.”
  • “[Paul] explains the why.”
  • “It’s not just dietary at all, it’s really quite comprehensive and very holistic. And it doesn’t even exclude medicine or antibiotics as necessary; it’s not to the exclusion … of western medicine … but with a foundation of dietary and lifestyle elements.”
  • “There’s a lot of flexibility. There are guidelines but Paul’s not very rigid. There’s flexibility to make this program work for your life.”

Thank you Anne Marie!

We are taking reservations now for the next Perfect Health Retreat to be held April 30 to May 7, 2016. Don’t miss this opportunity for a luxurious vacation combined with a week of learning that will pay a lifetime of dividends.

To learn about the retreat, visit the web pages under the Perfect Health Retreat tab, starting here. To reserve a room or for more information, please contact Paul Jaminet at or Whitney Ross Gray at


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