The Only Christmas Gift Guide You’ll Ever Need

If you’ve followed my blog for a while, then you know that the last time I did a Christmas gift guide, I was SCAMMED out of significant money when the woman who hired me, (complete with a fake company and fake references) cheated me and the 12+ brands that hired her to connect their brand with bloggers like me — and took all the money and ran.

I never saw any of the money. I did however, find out her real employer, and I contacted him and filled him in on her dishonest and disgraceful behavior.


All that to say: I am really good at giving gifts. lol (hard left turn there)!! Not to toot my own horn or anything, but growing up, there was a time that I wanted to start a gift creation and idea service, where I’d help people give really thoughtful and individualized gifts. Because…gift giving is my favorite thing in the world. Even more than getting gifts, actually.

And since I have numerous December birthdays in my life, along with Christmas, I thought I’d share what’s been rattling around the ol’ noggin as of late!

So without further ado:

FOR YOUR ROMANTIC PARTNER: (Spouse, boyfriend, girlfriend, fiance, etc.)

  1. I am always of the ilk that getting an experience that you can do together is the best gift. Because truly, quality time is the best time. SO — do a little reconn: check your area to see which concerts, shows, comedians, sporting event etc. are coming to town in the next couple months, and see if any stand out as something or someone your partner or friend or parent would enjoy seeing together! You can check their social media to see if they’re following any bands or comedians — that can sometimes give you a clue ?
  2. A restaurant gift certificate to their favorite nice restaurant — (or perhaps the place where you had your first date, if for your significant other) — is always a special gift. It’s an instant date night, and gives you that extra push to get you off the couch and take a break from Netflix ?
    • A caveat to this: a restaurant gift certificate (or experiences from #1) are also a great gift for your couple friends in your life. And what even sweeter about that, is that you can include free babysitting (aka: YOU) for them for the night the use the gift card or tickets!

This is one I personally love: getting on your friend’s calendar for a date. Perhaps you and your bestie have a “no gifts” policy at Christmas. Well this is a great “work around” for that. I love giving a gift box sampler of beautiful teas (Adiago is my favorite) and writing a heartfelt card which communicates that this tea can only be drank together!

4. Get them that thing they’re obsessed with. Perhaps you notice a trend on their YouTube algorithm that they’re really interested in a specific yard or garden tool, maybe they’re always researching or talking about a kitchen appliance, or a specific brand of whiskey that’s too expensive to buy “just because.” Or perhaps you’ve heard them mention in passing how cool something is that they see when you’re out and about. These are great surprises that, with a little observation effort, can really show you care and pay attention to the little things.

This portable phone stand that plays music and the sound of your videos is super cool — especially if they have kids.

This banana ice cream maker is amazing, and coming from someone who literally eats banana ice cream every single day, this machine would be so freaking cool to have in the kitchen.

Or if you want an ice cream maker that really packs a punch (and is a bit more expensive) the Ninja Ice Cream Maker is next level.

A portable bluetooth speaker is something that everyone will love, whether they realize it or not. Going on a walk or a bike ride? Bring the speaker. Going on the boat or skiing? Bring the speaker. Waiting for your kids’ soccer practice to start? Play some music for them to pass the time. Cleaning the house? Play some music. Having company? Put it in the bathroom for an instant spa-experience (or to keep the party going.) You will always be finding new reasons to whip out the speaker. (We love ours and even brought it to Greece on our honeymoon!).

Steven and I have given this Digital Photo Frame to people multiple years in a row because it’s a perfect way to stay in touch, as you can upload photos instantly to share on the frame with loved ones far away!

So this is a category of gifts that is super fun, and can let your — and their — personality shine.

There are subscription boxes for pretty much everything under the sun. I got my brother snacks from around the world one year!

But international wines is a great one for the wine lovers in your life. Or craft beer. Gourmet cheese. Bacon of the month. Ice cream of the month. Pickles of the month. Truly — this is where you can get creative and have a little fun, knowing what your recipient would enjoy.

A SHOPPING TRIP: Now, this doesn’t mean a shopping spree, but this could be a fun outing for the two of you to get lunch, and go to your favorite store where you treat him or her to something they like! It’s like an in-person gift card, but personal, and you get to spend quality time together ?

This one is such a thoughtful — and economical (which is speaking my language!) — gift. But is there something your recipient has to do? Like paint the guest room, or organize or clean their garage or closet, do some light landscaping or convert the backyard into a patio? Giving them a “Coupon” for your manpower to help do the task, along with your treat of pizza and homemade cookies, is a true friend move. Everyone can have fun doing exciting things. The real friends help you edge your office with painters’ tape.

For the college student:
There are a few things that college students desperately need:
1. Food
2. Clothing
3. Gas money
4. (For girls:) Makeup from Sephora

YES — you can get them gift cards for these things. However, if you were to ask any 21 year old kid: what they would rather have…it’s cash. Yes, it’s impersonal, BUT, it is actually something they will be super excited — and grateful — to get. (You can see it when their eyes light up).

So there you have it — those are just a few of my favorite gift ideas.

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