Aroma is Gift 4 of the 12 Gifts of Mindful Eating. For 12 days, we are sharing a mini-mindful eating exercise to help you focus on the gift of each day. Each one is intentionally short, simple, and powerful.
The Gift of Aroma
We’ve all experienced the mouth-watering aroma of hot cinnamon rolls… but did you know that flavor is actually a combination of taste and aroma?
In fact, your tongue only perceives about 10% of the “flavor” you perceive: salty, sweet, sour, bitter, and umami (savory). Everything else you “taste” is actually coming from the aroma!
Make eating a sensuous, multisensory experience!
(Additional reading: Sensuous Eating: Make eating a multisensory experience)
Today begins a series of Flavor Experiments. (This is a really fun activity to do with your family!)
Choose several similar foods to “taste” with your nose plugged and your eyes closed. Suggestions:
- Apples and pears (or if you dare, raw sweet onion. Be prepared to be amazed!)
- Lemons and limes
- Black and green olives
- Jelly beans or fruit flavored LifeSavers
- Red and white wine
What did you notice? Here are two ways you can increase the flavor of your food through the gift of aroma:
- Pause to smell your food before you put it in your mouth.
- Take small bites so you won’t block the aromas from traveling up the nasopharanyx (back of your throat) to your smell receptors.