Break the Dieting Cycle: 25 Reasons Not to Start A Diet

We all know that January is the month where the marketing airwaves are owned by the weight loss industry. At least a part of your brain probably also knows that diets don’t work. But the certainty with which those “quick results” are marketed can be so tempting. One reason that motivation can be so high to start a new program in January is a part of the diet mentality cycle that doesn’t get talked about. In this episode, I’m sharing what you need to know about perfectionism and all or nothing thinking so you can avoid the yo-yo cycles, enjoy your holidays more, and set yourself up on a path that feels and works better. 

Use this episode to inoculate yourself against over-the-top-diet-mentality-marketing. Download the free cheat sheet to empower you (the link is in the show notes). And share this episode with a friend. We all need help and support and reminders that we deserve better than diet mentality.


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