OMG I’m Pregnant! Fertility After an Eating Disorder

Oh my goodness you guys! It is with absolute elation and immense gratitude that I can share that Steven and I are expecting a baby!!!!

You guys, I am simply over the moon. And I have just so many thoughts and emotions that putting it on paper simply couldn’t cut it, so I made a YouTube video that also incudes footage of me telling Steven and our parents!

We are just thanking God for this true miracle.

Just think about it:

I had a severe case of anorexia during puberty that resulted in not menstruating until I was 29.

I also have an autoimmune disease, that thankfully I have kept in remission through the Specific Carbohydrate Diet for the last 15 years – symptom and medication free.

And I’m no spring chicken!

So truly, God has blessed us with an incredible gift here.

I am currently 12 weeks along, and I will let you know that I’ve expanded my diet to include hard cheese, beef, pork, chicken, lamb, veal, BACON, etc. (All still SCD legal).

But I’m feeling great. No morning sickness of, so to speak — aside from feeling a little lightheaded if I don’t eat right upon waking.

And I’ve stopped running — I went from running 7 miles a day to now walking for an hour. Something more gentle on my body.

But in the video I go through all the things I did to support my fertility, especially with an eating disorder in my past.

And really just go into detail about the journey thus far!

And I’m going to continue to create videos going forward to document and for fun, because I’ve just been GOBBLING UP pregnancy content since learning about Baby Berbs!

We think it’s a boy, but of course, it’s a 50/50 chance!!

Thank you for all the prayers that you’ve been saying for us! I am so incredibly grateful for this beautiful community of friends!

Happy New Year!

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