A day of meal prepping, procrastinating and avoiding the sun

Hello 🙂

I had written a post this morning which was going to be posted this evening but it appears to have disapeared, but i guess its just as good… it was mostly just a long ramble of how i feel and thoughts. Maybe a good thing that it wasnt published, haha. But in all honesty, it wasnt a negative “my thoughts” post, thats a shocker. Infact it was about how i am feeling rather happy at the moment. I am feeling content and control of things – somewhat anyway. But i am choosing to be happy, choosing to be positive and making changes in my life that will help that. Distancing myself from social media, unfollowing accounts that give me no inspiration and instead following accounts that inspire me, unfriending people online who no longer serve a purpose in my life and people who i dont feel the need to be friends with anymore. Making positive changes in my life to positively change my thoughts and what i see everyday and so far it is working. I want to wake up with a positive mindset and that is what i am choosing to do. But also, i do believe that my food choices recently are actually making a difference in my mood… though i am not going to go into that until a few weeks time when i see if there is actually a difference or just a placebo/nocebo effect.

Anyway, onto my day. I set my alarm early this morning so that i could start my day early and i had somewhat of a plan today, but i didnt stick to that plan at all. Hahaha. Thats life and today has turned out good anyway.

It started off with a gym workout which wasnt the best… ive had some good workouts, some bad workouts… though if i’m honest i am not 100{0d9774446e5c1c486b14bfd00f317fb53ff44ec6f4ca4ad04b1a0b82436e9f13} motivated with strength training at the moment. Or well, i love the gym and love going there but i have sort of lost my “keep challenging and keep pushing myself” thoughts as i have had different pains in my shoulder, hip and knees so i’ve just held back alot and that makes me feel unmotivated. I’ve basically done too much walking with heavy bags so my body has been sort of “uneven” if that even makes sense. Hopefully in summer it will get better when i dont have to carry my computer, school books and gym wear everywhere as well as not have to travel back and forth and carry heavy bags on my shoulders.

After my gym session i wanted to go to the library to study but i was craving fresh bread with avocado like crazy so i decided instead to head home and make that and then go to the library later or study at home…. Instead, i got home and got to eat my cravings, and then i began to do meal prepping which took roughly 3 hours XD

Lentil soup, chickpeas (i was going to make falafels but my mixer didnt really work so instead i ended up making chickpea/date/peanut butter/chocolate balls which i put into the oven and tasted amazing, but i ate them all so no photo XD), potatoes, sweet potatoe, beet root and mushroom in the oven! Ive now put all of the food into food boxes and into the fridge and freezer and ready to be eaten 🙂 At the moment lentil soup is my absaloute favourite… just cook up lentils, add some type of tomatoe sauce (i use with garlic flavour) and then add whatever else you like… my favourite is to just add sweet corn and then some bread on the side 🙂 So easy and delicious (and not to mention, lots of protein in lentils!)

Then when the food was cooked and the kitchen completely clean i felt so tired that i had to just lie down and take an hours break, and then finally i sat down with my study notes. And now after just an hour of study – the day before my test, i feel like i know it. Of course i dont know it all, but i feel rather confident in my knowledge and i just want this test done with so that i can begin studying for my next assignments. It will feel so good to just have the test over with and to feel that pressure rise from my shoulders! I wonder how i should celebrate that my final test for this course is done (Hopefully, unless i have to do a retest…). Hmmmmm, not so sure how but i guess i will figure that out tomorrow!!

For now… i am going to try to motivate myself to go for a walk so that i get some fresh air and can distance myself from the stress and “need to study”!

I hope you have all had a great day 🙂 Do you have any positives from your day? 🙂

(c) A Life without Anorexia – Read entire story here.