A Shift in Eating

Happy Easter weekend! I am happy to report that I am all better, cough is finally gone, and I feel back to normal. It’s been a good week, emotionally, but I have to say it has been hard to get back to the mindset I had before I got sick (eating-wise). While I was sick I craved carbs and had no appetite for healthier foods (except soup); seems my ‘comfort foods’ when sick include things like grilled cheese sandwiches, toast, crackers, banana bread, muffins, and sugary stuff like cereal and ice cream and pudding. I’ve allowed myself all of those things over the fall and winter and still was able to lose weight (slowly) but that’s because those foods were a very small percentage of my intake. Obviously it’s one thing to lose weight on 80{7920e18cf5186565893a18d1f69fa52bf2806dc683a7bfcea51d671d2f7d8125} protein and produce and 20{7920e18cf5186565893a18d1f69fa52bf2806dc683a7bfcea51d671d2f7d8125} whatever else I wanted, but the past month the percentages switched to like 30{7920e18cf5186565893a18d1f69fa52bf2806dc683a7bfcea51d671d2f7d8125} protein and produce and 70{7920e18cf5186565893a18d1f69fa52bf2806dc683a7bfcea51d671d2f7d8125} whatever else I wanted! My last weigh in shows this is a *gain* pattern of eating. The scale is still not going in the right direction… so I need to quit indulging the cravings that came up while I was sick. Now it’s just a habit that I need to re-break.
I got some low carb protein shakes at Costco (Premier Protein) and am having one for breakfast some mornings. Other days I have eggs and/or bacon, or bacon, avocado and fruit. My goal for this week is just to cut back more on the carbs (without counting) so that I get back to the previous ratio of 80{7920e18cf5186565893a18d1f69fa52bf2806dc683a7bfcea51d671d2f7d8125} produce and protein and 20{7920e18cf5186565893a18d1f69fa52bf2806dc683a7bfcea51d671d2f7d8125} “other.” I am happiest when I can include any foods I would like, but in small portions. My next weigh in will be on April 1st and I hope to be at least back where I was last month (228) if not lower.

(c) Escape from Obesity – Read entire story here.