A Useful and Incomplete List of Bright Lights


If you want to wake up, changing the media you consume is a powerful step. The more we surround ourselves with true and sane messages, the easier it is to see clearly and live accordingly. The more we surround ourselves with like-minded, compassionate-hearted, fierce-spirited people, the easier it is to have courage to go against the (delusional) tide and the easier it is to know that we’re not alone.

As I work away on the physical workbook for the next circle of Feast women I’m including a list of people in the body-positive, intuitive eating, and meditation worlds. I focus on these three areas because they are essential to the Feast journey, but I could just as easily share my favorite creatives, coaches, spiritual teachers, authors, and more. Whether you join Feast or not, I thought you might find this list helpful.

As the title of this post suggests, the selection below is incredibly incomplete.

This is simply a top-of-mind gathering of people and organizations whose newsletters, blog writing, social media content, and products I’m glad are in the world. If you believe I’ve left someone awesome off this list, hop over to my Facebook page and leave a comment so I can check them out.

Okay, at last, here are some good folks to know in alphabetical order.

Body Positive Folks & Organizations

Adios Barbie

Allison Epstein of The Body Pacifist

Anna Guest-Jelley of Curvy Yoga

The Association for Size Diversity and Health (ASDAH)

Be Nourished

The Body Positive

Carmen Cool

Geneen Roth

Golda Poretsky of Body Love Wellness

Caroline Dooner of The Fuck It Diet  

Isabel Foxen Duke

Jes Baker

Melissa Fabello at Everyday Feminism

Ragen Chastain of Dances with Fat

Virgie Tovar

Vivienne McMaster

Intuitive Eating & Health at Every Size-Friendly Nutritionists

Aaron Flores

Karin Kratina

Minh-Hai Alex

Soolman Nutrition

Meditation Teachers

Cheri Huber

James Baraz

Pema Chodron

Sharon Salzberg

Susan Piver

Tara Brach

Wisdom Heart

Go forth and subscribe to their newsletters, read their blogs, buy their books, follow them on Facebook, feast on what they’re serving up!

(c) Rachel W Cole – Read entire story here.