Anti Self Diagnosis isn’t Ableist


When we say “don’t self diagnose”, we aren’t saying “don’t seek help”

When we say “don’t self diagnose”, we aren’t saying getting help is easy

When we say “don’t self diagnose”, we aren’t saying your issues aren’t valid

When we say “don’t self diagnose”, we want you to be advocates for your own care

When we say “don’t self diagnose”, we want you to recognize your individualism and the vast number or mental illnesses in the DSM-V

When we say “don’t self diagnose”, aren’t saying doctors are perfect- it’s ok to get a second opinion

When we say “don’t self diagnose”, we are saying there is a reason getting a degree that allows you to diagnose mental illness takes so long

When we say “don’t self diagnose”, we are saying the DSM-V isn’t perfect

Self diagnosis limits you in your forms of treatment and help. Many schools offer aid to disabled students, but you need accurate documentation. We aren’t saying this to diminish you or your struggles as an individual, but rather to help you grow.

(c) The truth about eating disorders – Read entire story here.