anorexia nervosa

Yay! The doctor from Leeds NHS has replied to my email.

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And this is what she said: “It is lovely to hear from you and of your interest in the new children’s community eating disorder service soon to be established in Leeds. It would be very useful to involve you in our local service developments as we recognise that the involvement of young people and their parents is integral to the success of any new service plans. I’ve copied in my colleague who is the clinician leading the service model developments; I think he would be ideal to talk through our Leeds plans with as he has had a key role in identifying the evidence-base treatment to include in the service model.” This is so exciting…Following my revelations, there has been some debate online in the …

anorexia nervosa

Why is Leeds swapping the old treatment models for FBT? I can’t wait to find out!

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I’m meeting with the psychiatrist guy from Leeds NHS a week on Wednesday and I can’t wait to find out what prompted Leeds to make the changes and move from multi-disciplinary CAMHS treatment for teenage eating disorders to a specialist eating disorders service for adolescents – and to adopt the evidence-based FBT (Family Based Therapy / Treatment) instead of the methods they were using when my son, Ben, was sick with anorexia.Just think… All those months when I was pushing for FBT-style treatment as I read up about it on the FEAST website and the Around the Dinner Table forum, but felt as if I was banging my head against a brick wall as Ben was whisked off for yet another individual therapy session with …

anorexia nervosa

Why I’d like to go into Ben’s old school to talk about eating disorders

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When my son Ben fell sick with anorexia, back in 2009 when he was 15, his school was amazingly supportive. By early 2010 he was finding it increasingly impossible to be in school. He couldn’t bear being anywhere near his peers, he was regularly breaking down in lessons and in the school dining hall, he was behaving irrationally and dangerously, he was exercising like mad at any opportunity and he was spending much of his time in the school medical centre rather than in lessons. And, of course, he was eating minimally throughout the day resulting in more and more weight loss.Ben’s dad and I figured that we could get Ben to eat more if he was at home being monitored through breakfast, snacks, lunch and the evening meal. …

anorexia nervosa

Going over and beyond the call of duty… massively.

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Sister Shirley Crawford speaking at school last nightAs you will know if you’ve read my book, Please eat…: A mother’s struggle to free her teenage son from anorexia, “Sheila” the school nurse was one of the most supportive people throughout my teenage son’s battle with anorexia. I can’t begin to describe how supportive she was, right from the start. It was she who first told me about CAMHS, talked to me about eating disorders and told me to get a referral for eating disorder treatment. It was she who provided a safe haven for my son when he couldn’t bear to be in school or had broken down for some reason, which he did on most days during the winter of 2009/10.It was she who talked with …

anorexia nervosa

More about why I am donating royalties from my books to ‘Mama Shirls’ hospice

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In a nutshell, Shirley (the school nurse I call ‘Sheila’ in my book Please eat…: A mother’s struggle to free her teenage son from anorexia), gave so much to Ben and me during his long battle with anorexia in terms of support, love and someone I could trust to take care of Ben when he was at school that I wanted to give something back.And when I heard her speak on Friday about her voluntary work in Uganda I had a brainwave…The good thing about book royalties (the profits I get from Please eat… and When anorexia came to visit after costs) is that once you’ve written and published the books you don’t have to do anything to get them.Apart from hoping that people …

anorexia nervosa

Say NO to one of the most dangerous food labeling proposals to date

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Join the Facebook page (see below)According to the BBC website and the Royal Society of Public Health (RSPH): “Labels should be added to food and drink to show how much activity would be needed to burn off the calories consumed, the Royal Society for Public Health says.” When I told my son Ben (who had a lethal exercise addiction when he was sick with anorexia) about this shocking new proposal, he said:”If this had been around when I had my eating disorder it would have killed me, and I mean that. I saw it on the News this morning but didn’t tell you, mum, because I didn’t want to upset you.”Basically it would have given him the ‘green light’ to exercise even more than …

anorexia nervosa

Scottish Eating Disorder Interest Group (SEDIG) Carers’ Conference 2016

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I may have mentioned this already, but I’m speaking at the Scottish Eating Disorder Interest Group (SEDIG) Carers’ Conference 2016 at the end of next month (Saturday 27th February). The title of my talk will be “Eating disorders aren’t just a ‘girl thing'”; indeed the main thrust of the conference, I believe, will be about eating disorders in males and in particular eating disorders and anorexia in teenage boys.The angle I’m taking for my talk is that not only did it take some time for my husband Paul and I to recognise that our son was developing an eating disorder, because we had no idea that boys got eating disorders just like girls do, but that throughout the whole process – from GP referral through to CAMHS …

anorexia nervosa

And while we’re on the subject of BMIs…

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My sister pointed out this article about a friend of hers whose healthy, sporty son was sent home with a letter from school telling his mum that he was overweight. This especially incensed the boy’s mother because she herself had been a victim of anorexia as a young woman and understood more than most people about the dangers of the many things that can trigger an eating disorder.There’s a massive conflict at the moment between the drive to do something about the escalating levels of obesity in the UK and the danger that warnings/solutions could trigger the wrong sort of people to lose weight i.e. those predisposed to developing an eating disorder.The thing is, none of the measures which are being rolled out …

anorexia nervosa

Download my blog posts on PDF for FREE – 2011-15

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At last I’ve put all my blog posts (from 2011 when I began writing about eating disorders in boys up to the end of 2015) onto PDFs. So they’re much easier to read than clicking around Blogger which can be a nightmare. The latter two years – 2014 and 2015 – tend to be a bit more thin on the ground than the other years because, as you will know if you’ve been following my blog, I was struggling with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder type symptoms which hit me at the end of 2013.So throughout 2014 and 2015 I took a bit of a break from writing about eating disorders in boys and my son’s recovery from anorexia while I concentrated on fixing the PTSD problem. It also meant putting on hold …

anorexia nervosa

I’m finally happy with my Edinburgh talk!

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For better or for worse, I’m a terrible micromanager. And you wouldn’t believe the tweaking that’s gone into my script and PowerPoint presentation for the talk I’m doing at the Scottish Eating Disorder Interest Group (SEDIG) Carers’ Conference 2016 at the end of next month (Saturday 27th February). But I think I finally sorted it out. I think the main problem with my talk (which is called “Eating disorders aren’t just a ‘girl thing'”) is that I’ve got such a massive story that condensing it into just 25 or 30 minutes has been a bit tricky, to say the least! I’m not just talking about my son’s descent into and recovery from anorexia, I’m also talking about how he’s getting along now and also looking at what helped and what …

anorexia nervosa

What’s the latest news about FBT in Leeds / England?

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That’s what I’ll be asking the guy who’s in charge of rolling out FBT (Family Based Therapy) for adolescent eating disorder patients in Leeds when I meet with him on Wednesday. My home city of Leeds is claiming to be a ‘pioneer’ in the rolling out of FBT in England and so I can’t wait to hear what he has to say about plans for FBT being implemented in other parts of England. Already it’s being implemented in Scotland – and England was lagging behind. I’m not sure what the situation is in Wales or Northern Ireland.According to studies and trials, FBT as an outpatient treatment model for adolescents with eating disorders such as anorexia has a higher and more sustained success rate than other treatment models …

anorexia nervosa

Yet another anti-obesity proposal that could be lethal for eating disorder victims

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Even Adolphe Quételet,who invented the BMI formula,warned of its limitationsA major reason why I believe that my son’s eating disorder wasn’t taken as seriously as it should have been by clinicians from the GP upwards is because his BMI was still within the so-called “normal” range, despite the fact that he’d lost about a quarter of his original body weight.Just as damaging, was the fact that my son’s BMI was calculated in front of him at virtually every CAMHS session. So he was constantly being given the message that he was kind of okay and didn’t need to put on much, if any, weight. Because if he did put on weight, he’d be getting “too fat”. So, for eating disorder victims and especially …