
Happy Valentine’s Day!

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I want you to know that I am thankful for all of you that come here, read what I have to write and let me know that you care.  No matter who you are or what your circumstance might be know that we are all on this journey together.  There are times I feel alone and I allow myself to dwell in a place of self pity.  We must not do that.  Food can only be a temporary comfort.  I have gone back to it time and time again in my life only to find it lacking in the end.  Though it has been hard I am crawling back out into the light.  The last month has been a time of self reflection.  And through many comments…


Oven “Fried” Chicken Drumsticks with a side of HOPE!

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Last Friday started with waking up and heading to the  coffee maker for some of the best coffee I ever randomly found on a sale rack at Marshalls! I enjoyed this as I was taking my kids to school.  On a side note, my daughter Charlotte loves to blast disco music in the morning on the way to school.  There’s nothing quite like singing “I Love The Night Life” at 7:45 AM! Did I tell you all that Charlotte has started middle school this year?!! And she’s doing awesome.  A/B Honor Roll and she had a part in the Legally Blonde Musical this year. When I got back home, I had a little bit of time so I decided to begin preparing a new…


Keep Seeking Freedom

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Last Friday was the first day I’ve had in a LONG time where I felt ‘in control’ and at peace with hunger and I know this is due to the changes I’ve made recently.   Each day after that I have tried to follow what I did on Friday.  Amazingly things seem to be falling into place.  I’m not sure what happened Friday morning that set me in the right direction.  I can only attribute it to God’s loving mercy and grace reaching down and pulling me from the great abyss.   I believe the soul searching and willingness I have had to return at least to TRYING has made the difference.   Sometimes even when we’re failing there is still progress if we…


Why My Kids Think Ice Cream expires in 24 hours and a Spicy Pork Roast recipe I invented….beware!

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For Valentine’s Day, I surprised the kids with strawberry muffins and a few little gifts.  Here’s a picture: One was missing because she is in college ( and doing AWESOME I must add!!). But I’m down to three at home now.  How crazy is that? I bought those flowers for myself.   This is something I started doing years ago but then for some reason I just stopped doing it. That seems to be a pattern with me.   Doing things that really work…and then randomly stopping. (Duly noted….I’ll be having a few conversations with myself later about this….lol) But I think it’s important to treat yourself.   This is a non-food way to do that and it always brightens …


My Hiding Place

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As I have been returning to the routines of life that really work for me, I am reminded once again of how important it is for me to seek God in the morning before I even start my day.  This is something that seemed to fade away from me for awhile.  The more weight I lost the ‘busier’ I became.   No longer trapped inside a body that struggled to move, I was free!   The world opened up to me.  I went to new places and met new people.  And soon I was no longer feeling this daily desperation that I had before.  Pain no longer woke me in the night.  Walking across the room was effortless.   I no longer noticed every step that I took the …


Weekend Update

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Welcome to the weekend! Thursday morning I woke up and made my way straight to the coffee. My routine in the morning for the past two weeks has been coffee, water, coffee, water…. I’m continuing to put lemon and lime slices in my water to make it more interesting.  The other day I even bought some mint leaves in the vegetable section of the grocery store (In case, like me,  you also didn’t know where they were located).  I ended up over there because I was buying fresh bay leaves for a recipe.  By the way did  you know you’re to take OUT the bay leaves when you’re done cooking?  I learned that as well So while in that section I saw mint.  …


Plan for the Week

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Fail to Plan or Plan to Fail! That’s the name of the game! I’ll be sharing my weekly plan with you all on Mondays to keep myself accountable and for anyone who wants to come along.  My plan is what it’s always been.  The same plan that helped me lose 250 pounds in the first place.  Kicking sugar out of my life and breaking free from food obsession. I suggest two paths for making this happen.  The first you can find here where I wrote a lengthy post about Sugar Addiction and a very simple eating plan that consists of nothing but liquid shakes every 2 hours for the first week or so. The second path is the one I am currently on.  It is the …


Lent: Giving up Defeat

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If you’re someone who is familiar with the season of Lent, then you know it’s the time of year many focus on sacrificing something for God.  Giving something up that may get in the way of your relationship with Him.  Whatever takes your focus from growing spiritually. In the past I have automatically gone straight to the standard things that most everyone decides to give up.   A quick survey on the internet reveals some of these things as the top choices to try and give up during Lent: Chocolate Alcohol Cussing Soda Meat Social Media And the list goes on and on If I’m being honest, I’ve always rather envied people who give up any type of food for Lent.  Because to me …


12 Pounds Down—Moving along!

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I’VE LOST TWELVE POUNDS! Woo hooo… But last week got so busy with the kids and everything else that I just didn’t get a chance to come back and give you an update.   Let me take a moment to update you not just on my weight loss but also on my family.  I feel like I’ve been sharing with you my life here for so long now that I need to fill you in on the kids!! So many of you have become like extended family to me and I appreciate that.  So consider this like the belated Christmas card where you insert that letter telling everyone what’s been going on with the children!! First–did I tell you we got a puppy…


Turn and Run! This one isn’t uplifting..

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Nothing fancy but a quick update.  I just don’t want to disappear and have people wonder if I can ever be consistent again with blogging.  I hate blogging when things aren’t going well but on the other hand I’ve found a lot of people out there struggle with the same things so here we go. Life is hard.  It wasn’t meant to be easy.  But sometimes I feel as if I’ve really hit my limit.  I don’t consider myself to be an especially strong person anyway emotionally so I feel at times like I’m not going to be able to get to the other side of what is happening.  I even wonder lately if there even IS an “other …