
Have you gained a few? Me too, here’s how to (mentally) let it go.

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hi hi hi! Oh, how I’ve missed you. I haven’t written to you in so long – but now I’m back! I took a bit of a hiatus as I ran the Master Your Life program over the past 10 weeks. Never have I worked so hard and been so engrossed in what I’m doing, and to be honest, it took a lot out of me and I needed to hibernate a bit after such a big push this year. I hope you understand. But now, I’m back. And bursting with new ideas and things to write to you about! One of which is… Holiday Weight… keep reading The post Have you gained a few? Me too, here’s how to (mentally) let …


Following my heart in Thailand. Life + trip Update.

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Hi there! It’s been a while since I’ve touched base, and I want to give you an update on everything that’s been going on. I have been posting a lot on Instagram, so if you want to hear daily updates after reading this novel of an email, you can follow me on Instagram here. Three weeks ago, I left NYC on a one-way ticket to Thailand. I’ve always wanted to buy a one way ticket, and I’ve always wanted to travel solo for a long-term trip, so with the help of really supportive people around me, I made my dream a reality…. keep reading The post Following my heart in Thailand. Life + trip Update. appeared first on Jamie Mendell.


How I Plan My Week (& How To Plan Yours!)

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Living a beautiful life is a culmination of living lots of beautiful days Hello from snowy New York City! I hunkered down this weekend to brave quite the storm here on the East Coast and I hope that if you were hit with it, you stayed warm and safe as well! Seeing that it’s Sunday and I am set on staying in my bed in my PJs for as long as possible today, I thought it would be the perfect time to write to you about my Sunday ritual for planning my week. You know what they say… “A Sunday well spent brings a… keep reading The post How I Plan My Week (& How To Plan Yours!) appeared first on Jamie Mendell.


here’s how to reflect on 2015 (and my own takeaways)

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hi there! The days right now are so charged — they’re the last few days of 2015 and the time when we start to think about a fresh start, a new year, a clean slate. I’m not really a resolutions person (strict goals have never worked well for me), but I do believe in setting intentions and focus for the upcoming year. However, before we go forward, it’s important we take a look back. On where we’ve been in 2015. On how we’ve grown and changed. On what we’ve learned. As you’re hopefully… keep reading The post here’s how to reflect on 2015 (and my own takeaways) appeared first on Jamie Mendell.


Intuitive Eating (and sometimes lack thereof) while traveling [VIDEO + Interview with Maddy Moon]

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When I was in the middle of my 10 year struggle with food, I’m not sure if I would have been able to take the two month solo trip that I just took (to Thailand and Vietnam). My obsessive, controlling, fearful attitude toward food would have kept me from feeling like I could handle that kind of a trip. While I was on this trip, I couldn’t help but feel extreme gratitude for my own journey and how far I’ve come. I am so thankful that I’m now on the other side of that stressful time in my life. I remember… keep reading The post Intuitive Eating (and sometimes lack thereof) while traveling [VIDEO + Interview with Maddy Moon] appeared first on Jamie Mendell.


Thailand + Vietnam: Trip Recap #2 – More food, sights, and accommodations!

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This is Part Two of a Two Part Recap on my Two month solo-trip to Thailand and Vietnam. Catch Part One here.  Hi again! Okay so let’s see, I left off my last post telling you that I randomly decided to tack on a couple of extra weeks to my adventure and head to Vietnam. Going into the trip, I didn’t expect to go anywhere other than Thailand for 6 weeks. I just wanted the ease of going to one country and actually getting to know it pretty well, instead of hopping around. Everywhere I turned, I met travels who had… keep reading The post Thailand + Vietnam: Trip Recap #2 – More food, sights, and accommodations! appeared first on Jamie Mendell.


Thailand + Vietnam: Trip Recap #1 – Where I went, What I did/ate, What I loved

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And I’m back! After two months backpacking through Thailand and Vietnam, I’m now back and getting settled in NYC. It was a trip of a lifetime, and while I am still taking some time to let it all settle and integrate, I wanted to write about the details of the trip for anyone interested. I’ve gotten a ton of questions about the trip, so hopefully this post helps if you’re planning your own trip! So here goes…. sit back, grab some coffee and relax, this one will be long…(this is post one of two… keep reading The post Thailand + Vietnam: Trip Recap #1 – Where I went, What I did/ate, What I loved appeared first on Jamie Mendell.


Her Story: in one year, how she found food freedom & body acceptance

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Alice and I recently connected during my travels in Asia because she was traveling in Portugal at the same time and was messaging me about how excited she was to experience traveling with her newfound food freedom. She initially enrolled in The 21 Day Intuitive Eating Challenge a year ago, and has since then gone through a year long total transformation around her relationship with food and her body. She’s gone from hating her body to having deep respect for it. She’s gone from obsessing over food and constantly dieting… keep reading The post Her Story: in one year, how she found food freedom & body acceptance appeared first on Jamie Mendell.


One way to overcome fear of failure (and my failure experience)

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Fear. Of. Failure. It has such a presence in most of our lives, right? The fear of failure has bubbled it’s way to the surface in my own life in these past few weeks, and of course, I’ve also heard the same fear from others come up a lot recently. I always find it fascinating how, as a coach, the things I’m going through are usually the same things my friends and clients are coming to me about, too. Funny how life works that way! My own fear of failure has been coming out recently because I’m launching… keep reading The post One way to overcome fear of failure (and my failure experience) appeared first on Jamie Mendell.


Two NYC Events: Let’s Meet!

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I’m so excited to introduce two new LIVE events to you today. Over the past several years, I’ve coached so many women from all over the world, which has been and continues to be so amazing for me to be able to do. Recently, I’ve been craving more face-to-face community – the ability to be in a room with you, give you a hug, and get to know you in a more intimate way. Which is why I’m so excited to announce two live, in-person events taking place in New York City this month (and if you’re not… keep reading The post Two NYC Events: Let’s Meet! appeared first on Jamie Mendell.