binge eating

3 Tips for Embracing Your Body This Summer

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By Jennifer Rollin, MSW, LGSW Jennifer Rollin, MSW, LGSW As the weather gets warmer, we begin to be inundated with articles and advertisements that proclaim that we need to begin to work to achieve the perfect “beach body.” People have begun to fight back with a variety of videos and blogs, which proclaim that to get a bikini body one simply as to put a bikini on their body. It’s important to note that there is no such thing as a “beach body.” Your body exists to be celebrated during all seasons. All bodies are good bodies and while the call of “dieting” or the newly popular “clean eating” trend may seem alluring, there is simply no diet or exercise program that has been shown …

binge eating

Sleep: The One Thing You’re Not Doing That Could Improve Your Eating Disorder Recovery

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We often get so focused on EATING in recovery that many patients overlook the importance of sleep. Sleep is one of the most important, and one of the most neglected, components of comprehensive recovery. Most of us have experienced one or two nights of sleep deprivation and understand how difficult it can be to function optimally the next day. But did you know, that over time, chronic sleep debt could worsen your emotional and physical health? Sleep must become a higher priority Sleep deprivation is known to enhance negative affect and depressive/anxious symptoms, like difficulty concentrating, irritability and more. Sleep deprivation is also associated with poor physical health, increasing the risk of chronic disease. To sum it up, if you are not sleeping well, it is …