
5 Ways to Burn More Calories During Your Strength Session

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Since the days of Jane Fonda workout videos, aerobic exercise has been crowned as king when it comes to weight loss. Running, biking, swimming and aerobics have all been widely cited as the best ways to burn calories. Recent research, however, offers credence to another method: resistance training. In fact, a new study out of Arizona State University suggests that resistance exercise (aka strength training) may actually burn twice as many calories as we once thought. These researchers hypothesized that the energy-expenditure equation traditionally used to determine the calories burned during resistance training is misguided. The long-held method involves measuring oxygen consumption constantly during resistance training to estimate caloric expenditure, which is identical to the method used for determining those numbers for activities like running …


The Beginner’s Guide to Strength Training

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Just about everyone would love to be able to run faster, jump higher and hit harder. With that said, most of us would also like to be able to climb a flight of stairs without getting winded, haul groceries without becoming fatigued and complete other daily activities with ease. Whether you’re looking to jump into the ring, sign up for a 5K or simply live a healthier life, strength training plays a big role in improving your ability to complete every one those things. The challenge is figuring out how to approach strength workouts, and finding the motivation to do so. To get you started, we’ve rounded up some of the proven benefits of strength training, along with methods on how to to implement such a program. …