anorexia nervosa

Back and better than ever 

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Sorry ladies I was having a couple bad days but I’m back bitches. Stronger and skinnier than ever. I convinced my parents to let me go vegan so now all I eat during dinner is vegetables if I even eat at all 🙂 I’ll be back with a longer more focused post tonight but this is just a quick update Stay fucking strong and skinny! Starve on. Xoxo L

anorexia nervosa

Fasting Tips

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Hello lovely Ana’s, Fasting makes me feel soooo good and strong but here are some tips to make it easier. Spin around in circles, it will make you too dizzy and nauseous to eat. Always have water with you. Drink ice cold water when possible. If you feel hungry, drink some hot green tea, the heat can suppress your appetite. Caffeine suppresses your appetite as well. Chew sugar free gum. Take a nap. Read. Clean something. Take a shower or bath. Whiten your teeth. Go for a run. Do some crunches. Stretch. Do yoga. Try enjoying hunger pangs. Weigh yourself. Look at your self naked and pinch your fat. Take a nice long walk, with or without your dog. Try 0 calorie Mio water enhancers. Look at …

anorexia nervosa

Long time no see….

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Hello girls, Long time no see? Bet you all thought I was dead or something. Lots of things have changed  but one thing hasn’t, my desire to be the skinniest bitch anyone has ever seen. So here I am. Yes I’m back and I won’t be going away for a very, very long time. Keep sharing, keep commenting, keep starving. There’s more headed your way very soon. Stay strong, xoxo L

anorexia nervosa

Speaking of diets…

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Dear Ana’s, Today I am back with some not so well known diets that have been known to work in the past. Enjoy! The 3 Day Fruit Flush Breakfast: 1 piece of high-carb fruit (banana, large pear, ½ mango) total: varies Lunch:1 piece high-fiber fruit (apple, plums, ½ cup berries) total: varies Dinner: 1 piece citrus fruit (orange, small grapefruit, tangerine, 2 clementines) total: varies total: 220- 310 calories, 1 gm fat.  The Russian Gymnast Diet Breakfast: Glass of either orange or apple juice Lunch: Fruit Salad (made of kiwi fruit, orange, pineapple, and peeled apples) Glass of fruit juice (from one of the above fruits) Dinner: Glass of non carbonated water Green apple (granny smith) Anyone on this diet for 5-7 days can loose between 4 lbs-11 lbs The Caroline Kettlewell Diet …

anorexia nervosa

Loose Weight Fast?

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Hi sexy skinny Ana’s, So recently I’ve been getting a lot of emails about losing weight fast…Ana is a commitment, it’s a disciplined lifestyle and all though we all want to get skinny super fast, it’s not the way the world works. I’m a firm believer in the idea that we can’t chose our path, it choses us. Ana isn’t a diet that you can do a week before your cousins wedding and suddenly magically fit into your bridesmaids dress. It’s a commitment. It’s a relationship. Ana isn’t something you can turn on or off. That’s why I’m not trying to promote the lifestyle. I’m just helping other fucked up girls like me …

anorexia nervosa

Thinspo Crush of the Week: Alexis Ren

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Dear skinny bitches, Someone reuqested a new thinspo post so I happily obliged I know most of us are guilty of stalking this skinny starlet on Instagram and wishing we had her thigh gap or skinny arms. Wouldn’t our lives be so much easier if we were thin and boys like jay were attracted to us? Keep strong ladies. This could be you soon. I love her skinny arms Stay strong. Starve on. xoxo L

anorexia nervosa

Looking Good 

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Dear Skinny Ladies, When was the last time you didn’t buy something because you looked fat in it? Most people can say pretty recently. Trying on a cute dress in a store and realizing it just doesn’t look good on you because it’s clinging to your fat thighs or stomach. There’s this idea of perfection, looking perfect, always in the back of your mind. That’s the reason we do it. Or at least one of the major ones. So your daily dose of inspiration… It will be worth it. To see an outfit in a store and be able to just buy it. To buy something online and not even have to try it on, you’ll just know it looks good. …

anorexia nervosa

Thoughts of the day 

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Hello ladies, I saw this image today and felt like it was something I wanted to rant about. Since when has accomplishing something been a reason to eat more? Seriously, like the picture says we are not dogs who reward ourselves with treats. It makes me so annoyed because whenever something good happens and people want to celebrate, they want to with food. Food isn’t the way to reward yourself for good accomplishments. Buying a new outfit in a size smaller, now that’s a way to reward yourself. So if I accomplish something great, you’ll find me in the nearest urban outfitters not scarfing down a fucking tray of cupcakes. I advise you do the same. Stay strong! xoxo L

anorexia nervosa

How I stop myself from eating

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Hello ladies, So recently I’ve been doing something that really works for me and I thought I would share it with you. Every time I’m about to binge or break a fast, I read one of these picture i have saved on my phone. I thought it wouldn’t work but after reading these messages on these pictures, I really feel less hungry and less like eating. I’ll share them in this post and maybe they’ll help some of you. Stay strong, xoxo L