BABY WATCH – BeautyBeyondBones

Hello friends! And hello final two weeks of pregnancy!!

Holy cow, I cannot BELIEVE the amount of life that has been lived in the last week! (And my apologies for not writing last week — it was literally chaos!)


That’s right, we moved out and closed on our condo downtown! (And IN with my parents!) As you may remember, the people we bought our dream house from still have to find a house, and to make our offer stand out from the FIVE other offers, we gave them until Oct. 1 to surrender the keys and move out.

So yeah — not exactly the smooth move out/move in action we would have loved, but we are so grateful to be with my parents and be able to share in this special season together!

SO – now onto “baby things!”

We are officially ONE WEEK away from when my “due date window” begins! Which is just mind blowing! We are extatic….BUT…there simply aren’t enough hours in the day!

With our focus having been completely on moving out of our condo, it’s so great that we can now focus solely on BABY! Because she’s coming so so soon!

Yesterday, we installed the carseat, made a bunch of postpartum freezer meals, did some baby clothes laundry and finally watched a birthing class module online.

(Did I mention I am feeling totally unprepared?!)

But everything is going to work out beautifully, just the way God wants it to. That’s what I keep telling myself: God’s got this.

People are asking me all the time, how I’m feeling with the birth of our daughter being so imminent, and I haven’t really stopped to actually reflect and think about it.

And to be honest, I have so many emotions running through my heart, and some of which are surprising.

And as I’m sitting here with hot tears streaming down my face, I’m realizing that life is about to change in a big way.

Change that I am, of course, elated and so incredibly grateful for. But also, I’m realizing for the first time, that it’s no longer going to just be Steven and me.

Steven is not only the love of my life, but my best friend. And the days of spontaneous romantic moments, or relaxing times just being two soulmates in love…we’re going from two to three.

And I am so excited about that, and so ready for all the new beautiful moments that will be between he and I and the precious life that we created together out of that deep, soul-level love that we share.

But I wouldn’t be being honest if I didn’t say that I am going to really miss it just being the two of us, unencumbered by the stress of parenthood.

And I feel like a horrible person for even thinking this. This is what I was created to do! And I am happier than anything in the world that we’re going to meet our daughter any day now and I get to spend the rest of my life loving her. AND I’m so excited to see my husband become the most caring and doting father in the world.

These are amazing things. Beautiful things. And I know we will still find those “two of us” moments amidst the chaos of becoming new parents, but anyway….this emotion was something I was not expecting to feel.

OK — I’m going to just chalk that up to all of the roaring hormones surging through me right now!

Time to go make dinner and wipe these crocodile tears off my face!

Until Wednesday!

xoxo Caralyn

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