Battling Binges!


Iv been battling binge eating disorder most of my life. I believe it came from watching my mother and older sister diet then binge then diet again. I have a teenage daughter and im worried sick that i will pass my disorted eating habits on to her any advice?

This is definitely SO scary. I always worry about this too because I don’t want my children to have a poor relationship with food. I think it impacted me also because my mother is so obsessed with dieting/how she looks, which forced me to think about those things. I would maybe read into it and see if there is any research on it… I always just remind myself that i will never talk about food in a negative way, never used food as a reward/punishment, have an active life in a positive manner (choose fun workouts and never use them as a form of punishment for eating), be body positive, not focus compliments on appearance (instead focus on her personality and intelligence and more meaningful factors), etc… 

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