blackbrownandpink: Happy trans day of visibility! I’m posting…


Happy trans day of visibility! I’m posting this because I always feel a little guilt about the fact that I don’t look #transenough, and feel like eurocentric beauty standards and definitions of ‘woman’ and ‘feminine’ have poisoned me in too many ways to count. 

I write for those of us who struggle to keep from literally carving the vision of ourselves we see in the mirror out of us/ I write for the silence after someone yells ‘hey tr**ny’ when we’re talking in the streets, and no one speaks up to tell them they’re wrong/ I write for those of us who have leaped over every hurdle put in front of them, but are covered in bruises and scars from falling on the hurdles inside of us. The answers we’re looking for are inside of us. We are the answer that we’re looking for.

(c) STOP HATING YOUR BODY – Read entire story here.