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abundantbodies: abundantbodies: We need community support in…

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abundantbodies: abundantbodies: We need community support in order to make sure all our presenters and panelists can make it to Detroit for the Conference in June. At our $3000 goal, we would be able to provide a small stipend for all involved AND host a large-scale event where presenters, panelists, and attendees will have a space safe for fellow beautiful, body accepting and abundant bodies.CHECK OUT OUR INDIEGOGO CAMPAIGN & DONATE TODAY: Abundant Bodies is in the final stretch of our fundraiser and we still have a LONG way to go to meet our goal. Donating to our fundraiser doesn’t just help us pay to support the track overall but it also goes to paying stipends for all of …

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Don’t know what you’ve got till it’s gone

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Yes, I am excited to have my baby! I can’t wait to meet him. I’m also very excited to have my body back to functioning normally again. When the pain and fatigue are gone, when I’m healed up, I’m going to go swimming. I’m going to go for a run. I’m going to dance. I’m going to have some great sex! I’m going to appreciate my body so much, and I don’t care if I retain some of the baby weight or have stretch marks or spider veins or any of that, I just want to be able to DO again and to FEEL good.Don’t fret readers, if you are considering conceiving. Many pregnant women do not get so bad (only 10{7920e18cf5186565893a18d1f69fa52bf2806dc683a7bfcea51d671d2f7d8125} get what I’ve got) …

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Thank your body today

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I don’t want to get out of bed today because that’s where pain is :’( but I must go to work. So much pain, endless pain. Thank your body today if you are not in pain. Don’t chastise if for a few extra pounds or arm flab or whatever. Do these things hurt? No? Then thank it a thousand times. I am thanking mine for being alive, I will survive this.

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How you give birth is part of being pro-choice too

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What’s up with all the labor and delivery stigma and mom shaming with progressives? It’s like, ok do anything you want for the first few months of pregnancy–vacuum that baby right out if you like! But as soon as you’re in the third trimester you’d better be “breathing” that baby out into a bathtub surrounded by candles or you are a terrible mother!!What’s really bizarre about it is all the people who barely know me, have 0 idea about my medical situation, 0 medical training/background, and 0 interest in having kids themselves are suddenly very keen on explaining to me how I should give birth, and making all sorts of crazy assumptions about people based on how they give birth (e….

body/self image

"When body size becomes something that must be cured, at any cost, so that we can, as so much ad copy…"

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“When body size becomes something that must be cured, at any cost, so that we can, as so much ad copy promises us, ‘look—but most importantly, feel—our best,’ we will buy the magic beans; we will run until we decimate our knees; we will give up carbs, and then saturated fats, and then vegetable oils, and keep on giving up until we’re living on air—because there are no trans fats or pesticides in air (right?). This delusion is the engine purring in the heart of some great machine that sucks in human insecurity and spits out money.” – Laura Bogart, My body doesn’t need a cure: Sizeism, classism and the big-business hustle of the clean-eating industry                             (via endangeredbodiesnyc)