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"It’s okay to be unsteady. You’re not doing a ‘bad job’ at recovery and it’s not a ‘setback.’ It’s…"

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“It’s okay to be unsteady. You’re not doing a ‘bad job’ at recovery and it’s not a ‘setback.’ It’s all part of the process and it’s totally, 100{7920e18cf5186565893a18d1f69fa52bf2806dc683a7bfcea51d671d2f7d8125} fine. Every journey that’s worth being on is a little messy.” – @samdylanfinch We are here for you 24/7 at 866-488-7386. You are amazing and you are never alone. (via thetrevorproject)

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I’ve always heard about how pregnancy and childbirth “ruins” a woman’s body from the man’s…

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I’ve always heard about how pregnancy and childbirth “ruins” a woman’s body from the man’s perspective. How she gets stretch marks, pregnancy weight, saggy boobs, and a “loose” vagina. It leads you to believe that the worst thing about pregnancy and childbirth are these shallow things and that these shallow things matter at all. I do feel like my body is ruined by pregnancy. Because I am 38 weeks pregnant and completely disabled with a pregnancy related vascular condition. I’m laying here on my side. I can’t sit up straight for very long even. I’m in pain.20{7920e18cf5186565893a18d1f69fa52bf2806dc683a7bfcea51d671d2f7d8125} of pregnancies are so disabling they result in bedrest. Nearly a third end in a serious surgical intervention–the cesarean section–requiring a long healing time. Yet, there is no …

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“Why do women get postpartum depression anyway? I mean, they have a baby…

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“Why do women get postpartum depression anyway? I mean, they have a baby now!”“Why do women need maternity leave? They can bond with the baby after work”Umm idk because there is a giant tear running from their vag to their butthole and they’re cramping and bleeding for several weeks while their uterus contracts back down from 800 times its normal size and they can’t take a shit and hemeroids and urinary catheters because their ripped up vulva is too swollen to pee through and cracked, bleeding nipples, and a crying infant that needs to feed from said cracked nipples 12 times a day and needs its diaper changed about that much too.Do people not get that childbirth is horrifying? Like, just…

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I love being a mom! Having a horrible 3rd trimester has made new parenthood seem like a breeze. I…

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I love being a mom! Having a horrible 3rd trimester has made new parenthood seem like a breeze. I was warned several times that being a new parent is incredibly hard. When I explained how pregnancy had become disabling, a few people responded by telling me I should “enjoy” my pregnancy while I could because being a new parent would be so much harder. Well, toward the end of my pregnancy I was already only getting 3 hours of sleep per night and hardly leaving the house, but now instead of it being because of pain, it’s because I have to take care of this cute lil bundle! Vast improvement if you ask me!I think again I was dealing with a preference for the male …

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Announcing: The #BlogHer16 Closing Party Venue

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Today we’re excited to announce the #BlogHer16 Closing Party venue, and give you just a taste of how we’ll close the conference in style. Being in Los Angeles for the first time we wanted to bring a little Hollywood glamour and sizzle to how we close it out, and the stars aligned for us to secure one of L.A.’s hottest spots…and it’s literally STEPS from the conference venue, the JW Marriott Hotel! (In other words, Mission: High Heels is a GO!)Get ready to eat, drink, dance, and have fun at The Conga Room!Owned by some of Hollywood’s elite, such Jimmy Smits, Jennifer Lopez, and, and catered by Wolfgang Puck, this venue is the perfect place to have the “wrap …

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Cellulite 411: How to Do Away with Your Dimples

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If you’re reading this, then you probably have cellulite…but it’s not too late. Most women will encounter those pesky dimples at some point in their lives. It can be a major source of insecurity for many, and the reason we cover up with a sarong or sometimes avoid the pool all together. We all secretly love to catch a glimpse of an unedited paparazzi shot exposing our favorite celeb caught off-guard sporting the tell-tale dimples that make them human, and we’ve probably tried every overpriced cream, wrap, or sonic treatment on the market. Image Source: Dion Dillard via Flickr The good news is, there is hope. Cellulite is not the be-all-end-all of your beach bod – with a little patience and persistence, …

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5 Kitchen Essentials for Making Homemade Baby Food

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I’ve seen so many mamas on the Facebook groups that I’m apart of asking about how to make baby food, different recipes, tools to make baby food, etc. When Phoebe was just starting out on puree foods, I did try my hand at making different recipes. It was really easy and I enjoyed it. I also love knowing exactly what’s going into her food. For a tiny baby, this is important.Image Source: thedabblist via FlickrObviously, you control what your baby eats. You can buy the best quality, organic everything. You can go half/half on the organic because let’s face it, organic=$$$$, or you can just get conventional products and that’s okay, too.The food part is one factor in the baby food making equation. The …

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Should You Leave Your Dream to the Experts?

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For me, it was Maria’s processional as she walked down the aisle of the Austrian Cathedral to marry Captain von Trapp; nuns and children looking on lovingly, the Fairy Tale coming true. Maybe, for you, it was Ariel as she professed her love for her animated prince in his puffy shirt. Or maybe it was the 1900 guests Kate Middleton walked through to wed England’s real-life Prince Charming. Image via PixabayWhatever the scenario, chances are you’ve had some romantic notion in your psyche of the ideal wedding.From The Knot to “Say Yes to the Dress” to your very own Pinterest wedding board, we’re obsessed with making the occasion absolutely PERFECT. Remember when you and your significant other made it official? You said “yes”, you chose a …

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7 Ways to Improve the Health of Your Household

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In order to take good care of your family, you probably try to eat healthy and visit the doctor regularly. Unfortunately, hidden dangers at home can pose a serious hazard to your family. The following tips will help you track down the dangers that may be lurking in your home. Keep it Old School As a parent, you probably look for ways to protect your family and keep them healthy. Although you may try to rid your home of dust and debris through weekly cleanings, the commercial products could be doing more harm than good. The cleaners can also be pricey and wreaking havoc with your budget. Hit up your pantry in search of some natural home cleaning alternatives. Vinegar is a cost-effective option that can …