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Acupuncture for Anxiety

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Tweet So, lemme start this post by proclaiming: I AM THE BIGGEST CYNIC/SKEPTIC OF ALL TIME And I tried acupuncture for the first time this week, really driven by my latest struggle with anxiety and insomnia, which was totally interrupting my personal and work life. It went something like this: Monday “Yeah, okay, I’ll try it.” Tuesday “SHIT, what did I get myself into.” Wednesday “OH SHIT, I forgot about my appointment so let me Uber my ass there in the 2 minutes I have before my appointment time.” Thursday **Do Not Disturb Under Blankets All Day** Friday “Yeah, okay, I’ll do this again.” Honestly, it’s not something that’s delivering like revolutionary effects – yet…

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Root to Rise This Spring

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Tweet I’m so excited to be partnering with Bottom Line Yoga (BLY) for this blog post! Not only is BLY the place where I practice yoga, but it’s become a loving, supportive community for me, too. This spring, BLY is highlighting different blog posts along the theme of “Root to Rise.” While I am not trained as a yoga teacher, and sometimes yoga terms can be confusing to me, “root to rise” is an idea I feel a deep connection with. Basically, you are creating a solid foundation with a pose, or with your practice as a whole, and allowing growth from there. I like to apply the idea of “root to rise” with any goal setting in my life &#…

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NOURISH Body Image Workshop – Coming to Birmingham, AL May 7!

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Tweet Click here to register for our yoga + body image workshop on May 7 with Emilie Maynor Living at Villager Yoga in Birmingham, AL! Early bird tickets end soon! Agenda for the day: 1:30pm to 2pm – Check-in at Villager Yoga 2pm to 2:30pm – Energizing Yoga with Emilie Maynor 2:30pm – 3:30pm – Presentation & Discussion with Nicole Rohr Stephani & Emilie Maynor 3:30pm to 4pm – Break, tea & snacks provided 4pm to 5pm – Art Therapy 5pm to 5:30pm – Restorative Yoga & Empowerment Meditation with Emilie Maynor 5:30pm – 6pm – Closing Remarks & Giveaways We hope to see you there! Tweet

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A Sensitive Girl’s Story of Eating Disorder Recovery

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Tweet I am an extremely empathic and sensitive woman. In fact, like 20 percent of our population, I possess the genetic trait of being a Highly Sensitive Person. This means my sensory neurons are more alert, and I experience the world at a higher frequency than others. As a child, these traits were scary for me. The world felt big and overwhelming and unsafe. It was as if the volume on life was turned up all the way, all time. I had all these big emotions and I didn’t know what to do with them, or how to articulate them. And when I was around other people, I didn’t just hear their voices- I heard their FEELINGS, screaming at me- relentlessly. But it seemed I “heard” things that…

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The Problem with Glamour Magazine’s Plus-Size Issue (Proud2Bme)

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Tweet This was originally published on Proud2Bme, an online community created by and for teens. Proud2Bme covers everything from fashion and beauty to news, culture, and entertainment—all with the goal of promoting positive body image and encouraging healthy attitudes about food and weight. By Kaitlin Irwin– Amy Schumer recently posted on social media about Glamour’s inclusion of her in their plus-size issue. She wrote that the magazine “put me in their plus size only issue without asking or letting me know and it doesn’t feel right to me. Young girls seeing my body type thinking this is plus size?” What do you think, readers? Is Amy in the right? Should Glamour have asked her permission? Is Amy plus-size? First of all, why…

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Good Stress: The Best Routine-Killer

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Tweet Life is crazy right now – the good kind. I have two jobs, both of which are going well and leaving me very fulfilled. I’m planning a wedding to the man of my dreams. I have so much going on… maybe, too much. I recently shared about how good stress is still stress, and as my life filled up with exciting, stressful, awesome things, I realized I was losing any sense of routine. The “busy” that I was so excited about was also becoming a burden as my self-care began falling to the wayside. I needed to do something drastic to ensure I was building in time to care for myself, to maintain healthy habits vital to managing my bipolar disorder and staying…

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5 Reasons Why BMI is a Waste of Time (Proud2Bme)

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Tweet This was originally published on Proud2Bme, an online community created by and for teens. Proud2Bme covers everything from fashion and beauty to news, culture, and entertainment—all with the goal of promoting positive body image and encouraging healthy attitudes about food and weight. By Danielle Lowe– According to a study done by the International Journal of Obesity, 29{7920e18cf5186565893a18d1f69fa52bf2806dc683a7bfcea51d671d2f7d8125} of obese and 16{7920e18cf5186565893a18d1f69fa52bf2806dc683a7bfcea51d671d2f7d8125} of morbidly obese (according to Body Mass Index or BMI) participants were found to still be metabolically healthy.But over 30{7920e18cf5186565893a18d1f69fa52bf2806dc683a7bfcea51d671d2f7d8125} of those who fell under the “normal” weight category were found to be metabolically unhealthy, putting them at risk for diabetes and heart disease. This is just one study that proves BMI is an ineffective way of measuring health. Here are five…

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Yoga Photoshoots Are Weird and Scary

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Tweet A couple of months ago, I decided to have my very first professional yoga photos taken. It’s become such a huge part of my business and my life (while I don’t consider myself advanced), that it felt like the right time. The Yoga and Body Image Coalition shared a couple of them in support of their t-shirt and tank sales, and I had also been asked back in January to write a very personal point-of-view essay for a well-known yoga publication. YBIC has been AWESOME, but I never heard back from the magazine. So, I’m sharing these with you now, and asking you one thing: If someone shares their deepest, darkest secrets with you and is brave enough to…

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Survey Reveals That 62{7920e18cf5186565893a18d1f69fa52bf2806dc683a7bfcea51d671d2f7d8125} of Men Have Been Body-Shamed by a Partner (Proud2Bme)

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Tweet This was originally published on Proud2Bme, an online community created by and for teens. Proud2Bme covers everything from fashion and beauty to news, culture, and entertainment—all with the goal of promoting positive body image and encouraging healthy attitudes about food and weight. By Siena Roberts— A recent survey showed that 62{7920e18cf5186565893a18d1f69fa52bf2806dc683a7bfcea51d671d2f7d8125} of men have been body shamed by their partner—compare that to the 32{7920e18cf5186565893a18d1f69fa52bf2806dc683a7bfcea51d671d2f7d8125} of women who report that their partner body shamed them.Surprised? Don’t be. Here’s why this shocking statistic makes more sense than you’d think. Right now, the media conversation surrounding body shaming, fat shaming, etc. is entirely about and for women. And don’t get me wrong, this makes sense; societal standards for women have been growing more and more consistently…

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Read Your Way to Recovery!

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Reading or “Bibliotherapy” as we call it in counseling, is an excellent way to work on your own towards recovery and self- growth. Here are 3 books you will find helpful: Embody: Learning to Love Your Unique Body (and quiet the critic) by Connie Sobczak Starting Monday: 7 Keys to a Positive Relationship with Food by Karen R. Koenig Parent’s Guide to Eating Disorders, The Supporting Self-Esteem, Healthy Eating, & Positive Body Image at Home Authors: Marcia Herrin, Nancy Matsumotoor When you can’t afford to see a therapist, if you are not ready to see a therapist or if you are in therapy right now, you can always introduce new ideas to help you reach your goals. Open a book and begin….

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How Do You Change a Behavior That No Longer Serves You? 6 Ways!

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Certain behaviors we engage in become habitual and often these habits are not healthy for a person. However, a habit is tough to break! Here are some things you can try: Make up your mind to do it. Think of all the negative things and how you felt doing the old behavior. Make time for yourself to focus on this. Get lots of exercise and eat healthier. Get lots of rest too! Ask for support from family and friends. Tell them what you’re working on. It takes from 28 to 30 days to break a habit. Take it one day at a time, one minute at a time. Feel proud for every minute you do not engage in your old destructive behavior! DON’T replace one bad habit …

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What Is Disordered Eating? 4 Kinds… Why? Is This You?

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Disordered eating is any eating that is not balanced and nutritional. It can present itself with restricting, starving, over-eating, or fear of unhealthy food. 3 Kinds of Disordered Eating Anorexia Nervosa Binge Eating Compulsive Overeating Restricting Why? Disordered Eating is a result of feelings and thoughts that are not being addressed in a healthier way. Often when a person focuses and works hard on issues that contribute to disordered eating; the eating behavior balances out. Healthier coping skills replace the disordered eating. Self-help book titles can be found on my website! Make an appointment if you’d like to talk about your disordered eating behaviors. 626-335-0903