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A common “intuitive eating” pitfall…

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This blog posts references “intuitive eating” — which can be loosely described as making decisions around food based on what our bodies want to eat, rather than what our minds think it should. If you’re totally unfamiliar with “intuitive eating,” here’s a basic primer on core principles. While intuitive eating in and of itself is not “the answer” to your food problem, the basics are helpful to know if you’re struggling to get off traditional dieting. Now on to today’s topic… The “hunger-and-fullness diet” is my cheeky way of describing the perversion of intuitive eating that women fall prey to when they attempt intuitive eating with a diet mentality—  e.g. “I must only eat when I’m hungry and stop when I’m full…or else….

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Are You Experiencing Anxiety Because Of What Is Happening In The World? 4 Things you Can Do

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Release Your Fears… There are a lot of scaring things happening here in the United States and around the world. Most of us are feeling an undercurrent of fear and anxiety as we go about our normal day. It’s quite normal to feel this way, but there are things you can do to reduce your anxiety. Continue your normal meditation for mindfulness. This keeps your thoughts in the present moment and not ruminating about the past or what could happen in the future. Continue to exercise that is a great release for stress, anxiety and worry. Continue to do your normal activities. Use caution, but go out and don’t let this stop you from living your life. Stop watching the news replay the awful events. …

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Have you “fallen off the wagon” with food?

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The only time a person EVER “falls off a wagon” is when there’s a wagon to fall off of;  a set of rules, ideals, or beliefs around food that we let determine how we feel about ourselves. “I was sooo good with food yesterday, and today, I SUCK.” Sound familiar? and I’m guessing when you go into the place of “I suck,” when you “fall off the wagon,” you fall hard…like knee-deep-in-brownie-batter-hard.  Not fun, and so avoidable.  If you want to make peace with food, and stop shame-eating cookies in the middle of the night, Ask yourself, what “wagons” am I trying not to fall off of? Where am I judging my performance with food? Where …

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7 Reasons You Might Have Developed your Eating Disorder…

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Release Your Fears… There are variety of experiences and genetics that might be contributing to your active eating disorder. Here are a few. See if you relate to any… Childhood Trauma Chaotic Home Life Alcoholic Parent Parent Modeling an Eating Disorder Controlling Parent Genetics, anxiety & or depression Loss I’m sure you have your own contributing factors. The important and hopeful part is that you can relearn the thoughts that brought you to your eating disorder. You can learn to cope with uncomfortable feelings and you can choose to live a better life that you deserve. Working with a therapist is a smart way to figure out your eating disorder and what you can do about it. Until then, find yourself a good self-help book …

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Which Video Livestreaming Platform Is Best for You?

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Over the last few years, video has transformed the way that we consume content. Videos used to be special and rare, only created by the digital peeps who could afford the fancy equipment and who had the extra hours that it took to edit and upload their work. Thanks to livestreaming and the integration of video function on popular social networks, it’s easier than ever for anyone to share their lives, experiences, and expertise via video. The only real barrier to getting started is deciding which livestreaming platform to use. How do you decide which platform is right for you? I asked some of my favorite livestreamers for advice, and this is what they said. public domain image via Pixabay Daphné Leblanc on Blab BlogHer: What is …

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I Failed A Quiz Today and It Was Awesome

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Tweet Spoiler alert: Failing a quiz is not, indeed, awesome. In fact, it sucks a lot. I briefly reviewed the material this morning and then went through and took the online quiz. What?! I thought. Yikes, I probably should have studied that more… mmmm, no idea. Gonna have to guess on this one. I failed. Like, below-a-C, legitimate failing. I could immediately feel my body heating up as the adrenaline started flowing and my emotions started pounding louder than my heartbeat. I did what I felt the next logical step was: I cried, and I took a hot shower. I’m not stupid, I told myself, as the other half of me violently spat back, You’re so stupid. You’ll never make it to…

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Body Positive Men vs Women!

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colormyflaws: So yesterday I posted about a Black Mans Perspective on Body Positivity (Click Here) and in that post I said I didn’t see many campaigns for male body issues. So I reached out to Body Positivity For Guys and learned of a few other body positive blogs with some more focus on male bodies. While doing this I happend upon a post about Male BP blogs focusing on deconstructing female issues regarding body image and comparing the two. I thought this an interesting issue to talk about. See ColorMyFlaws was created to encapsulate all period. There are somethings I’m not well versed on but I’m working on keeping my mind and eyes open. So I take the stance that I hate when people compare struggles like …