bulimia nervosa

This May Sound Religious, But It’s Not – It’s About Faith and Questions

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BullimiAddict I love Jesus.  I used to pray to him every night when I was a child.  Brought up Catholic, I had my Holy Bible (in French), my Rosary, my two candles on both sides of my kneeling area (never lit because I wasn’t allowed to deal with fire), and my book of prayers.  I said my “Je vous salut Marie, pleine de grace”, and my “Notre Père Qui Est Aux Cieux” with my rosary that was blessed by the Pope.  I wanted to be a nun.  I lived in this world until I was 11 years old and moved back to Canada from Turkey and met boys.  At this point my faith started waning.  Slowly but surely there were too many questions, too many unanswered questions, too…

bulimia nervosa

Watch “Always #LikeAGirl” on YouTube

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Be the proper reflection  of who a girl and woman is. Let go of the expectations or even assumptions of what a girl and or woman is. Be you. Be brave. Be wise. Love yourself and your strong sisters out there who hold up the proud flag to say “I am me! Society cannot change me! I am me! ” I AM me and loving it. I am self recovered by the way and it is possible to do. Never happier… never prouder of myself. And I am ME!

bulimia nervosa


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COMPELLING. I never wore much make up and was who I was. Still went through stuff. And still do. But I learned that the older I get I actually feel younger than those in their teens and up to thirty somethings. Maybe that feeling comes with wisdom. Only you can love yourself to the bottom of your heart and all you have gone through. No one but you can share that but with you. So be nice to yourself and keep your truest friends close. Anyone else who doesn’t love you like you love yourself and the journey you are going through… delete from your life. There is only one you.

bulimia nervosa

Lara Croft & Writing

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Hold on for one second, can we all just acknowledge that some random Facebook App  has deemed my countenance most closely resembling that of Lara Croft in Tomb Raider?   Compared to…Mickey Mouse, I guess? I don’t care, I’ll take it.  Please, and Thank you.   Now that we’ve dealt with housekeeping matters most pressing, I’ll let you know what I’ve been doing, and that is not been preparing much new *quality* blog material unless you count my diatribe on Running!  In the last 19 months or so, the subject matter of my writing has remained largely the same: organic gardening, fitness, running, eating disorders and mental health.  When I first began publicly sharing my life, the ratio of posts devoted to gardening and …

bulimia nervosa

Dr. Candy Crush, Dogs, & Triggers

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 I saw my psychiatrist today for a medication management appointment.  Yes, Dr. Candy Crush, again.  In her defense, she was actually pretty focused today.   I attribute this mainly to the brevity of the appointment and the fact that I came straight in, disregarded the usual pleasantries, and immediately stated my request.  I’m growing fairly certain she’s ADHD.   Source Although, the perpetual communication breakdown probably lies with me.  I’m the patient and am therefore, the affected one.   Hard-knuckling through a bi-monthly face-to-face of endless, repetitive droning about my *horrible life cognition* has got to be brutal, whether her time’s compensated or not.   I mean, who would sit, hands steepled, transfixed, while I regale them with fresh hell from neuron-to…