Change Is a Process, Don’t Skip the Most Important Part – Viki Thondley | Mind Body Food

Most people find change hard, particularly without any support or guidance.

But the most difficulty about change is when you’re not taking the right action to help yourself create the change you want.

Change requires our willingness to think, say and do things differently.

This means trying new things and being willing to undertake tasks that you’ve never done before, such as finding reasons why you can try something new, instead of why you can’t.

Old stories and ways of thinking perpetually create the feelings that we experience on a daily basis, which can often lead to overwhelming emotional stress.

The more these stories are left unchallenged, the more control they have over our feelings.

The first steps are to get out of your head and step into your heart space, so you can slow your thinking and tune into how your body is feeling about the change you’re wanting.

This way you’ll consistently learn to become present, and more adept at noticing what’s really coming up for you under the surface of your thoughts.

The following steps will help you to do this:

  • practice the deep and conscious breathing to come out of the feelings and into your body,
  • relaxation exercises to quiet the mind and relax the body,
  • meditation to focus the mind away from thinking into feeling,
  • journalling exercises to understand past and present feelings better, and
  • tapping (EFT) exercises to train your nervous system to clear out emotional residue in the energy systems.

By doing this when you feel overwhelmed, you will gradually train your nervous system to return to balance (homeostasis) more often, instead of being excitable and quick to overspill.

The next steps are my Three C’s formula:

  1. Catch the old stories and worrying thoughts,
  2. Challenge the outdated thinking that causes you stress, and
  3. Begin to consciously change your thoughts, words and actions.

By using the Three C’s formula regularly, you’ll start to become conscious of what you are unconsciously thinking and feeling, which will in turn help you to change how you feel, to ultimately change how you react or respond.

To pull out the root cause of any resistance, self-sabotage or outdated pattern and rewrite your subconscious from the inside out by using a combination of holistic coaching, clinical hypnotherapy and rapid transformational therapy RTT. Together they help support and rewire both the conscious and unconscious minds to align in thoughts, beliefs, values and behaviours.

If we keep thinking, speaking and doing the same things, we will continue to feel the same and nothing will change.

So for change to occur, we need to commit to taking daily consistent action to change ourselves, because no-one can do it for us.

NeuroCoach, Psychotherapeutic Counsellor & Clinical Therapist
Freedom and Recovery from your Emotional, Weight & Eating Issues

Viki Thondley is a Transformational Coach, Holistic Counsellor & Meditation Therapist specialising in self-worth, stress, mind-body connection, subconscious reprogramming, depression/anxiety, body-image & disordered eating recovery. She is Founder/Director of the MindBodyFood Institute & author of the Holistic Life Coach & Mind-Body Practitioner certification course, plus several coaching & whole food books.

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