Change is uncomfortable (personal) – IntuitiveBody

Change is so uncomfortable.

Not changing, is so uncomfortable.

Two days ago I was in my weekly session for physical therapy for voice/throat…
He is honestly the best, a gift, a true healer of which I have only met a few,
he is one of them.
He gets it in every possible way…
He gets the physical, the postural, the emotional, the past trauma,
and brings a very pure devotional spirituality to the mix in addition to his expertise.

In the session, he was trying to free my neck from some patterning
and while he was working with me, i was in an unnatural uncomfortable position physically.
It was uncomfortable and also at times painful.

As my body went into reflexive tension and spasms, he has encouraged me not to allow the reflexes
but to soften into the pain.
As the way to shift the deep patterns.

I was in tears-both b/c of the physical pain and b/c of the emotional releasing.
I trust him and I follow his guidance as best I can, always.

And in the past few days I am doing things differently.
And am learning to sit differently.

To hold muscles and skeleton differently.
Lots of tiny things to be aware of and do differently.

And It’s so uncomfortable.. I
just want to curl up in

my corner of the couch, and sit the way i always sit.

It’ very emotional trying to move patterns that are familiar

and seemingly comfortable.

And yet as we know, they so often don’t serve us.

And trying to do things differently challenges us.
Because it IS uncomfortable.
We want new outcomes without having to do it differently.

But change requires change.

The wanted results depend on our being able to

shift something… a belief, a thought, a habit, a way

of being and doing…

So I am here, in my Herman Miller chair, sitting very differently than I am used to or that i like to.

And this sounds strange but its SO emotional.

The re-patterning, the asking the body and our heart to

come to something differently… will initially be uncomfortable.
Change always is, even when it’s something we want and are invested in.

We will comply most willingly when we trust that a new outcome is possible. and
When we trust ourself to be willing, to take new steps, to create new patterns,

Currently, I admit, it makes me feel weepy, hungry, and tired.

I am uncomfortable…
And I trust I’m moving towards higher function and healing, praying for that, trusting that is coming.

What we want for ourselves, often means we will be really uncomfortable as we shift.
What comes up for you when you consider making changes and the related discomfort?
What’s your typical response?
Do you get rebellious or stubborn? Do you feel whiny and powerless? Do you get
excited and love a challenge? Do you try to talk yourself out of it?

There is no right or wrong.. all the feelings get to have their say, as I always say…
When we can allow the full experience, and the emotions and the discomfort, we
are more likely to be able to take steps.
Extra compassion for yourself…always a good thing..

Where are you willing to be uncomfortable right now in service of something you really want?
I’d love to hear xo lisa

PS.. if you are looking to make some big changes around your relationship with your body and how you
nourish and care for yourself, and love the idea of doing it in the privacy of your own home and at your own pace (with email coaching from me to help you thru)… check out my 40 Days To Breaking The Spell of Emotional Eating.. It’s so powerful… with minimal discomfort. xo

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